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Sarah Morgan


Note: I’m leaving the graphics in, even though they keep screwing up the formatting, because I think a person’s Twitter photo is a big part of their “personality”.

The subject line of Tuesday afternoon’s HARO email was called “10 Years Ago Today”. And while I think Peter was referring to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act that enacted digital rights management, it made me think.

On October 28, 1998, I was:

  • suffering through junior-year public speaking and Core IV (FDU alums feel my pain)
  • balancing full-time school with a part-time PR job at Ortho-McNeil (for an amazing group of people)
  • babysitting for the pharmacist I’d worked for as a tech (who’s one of my dearest friends, and whose girls are now in or near college themselves)
  • dating a guy who smoked, managed a car wash, and adored Pink Floyd (in fairness, that was a long time ago, and he’s very nice)

Point is, I didn’t really know much about anything. Exactly one year later, I was wandering around Rome. And I don’t know if I know a much more about anything, ten years later, but I’ve sure made sure I’ve seen more.

Now check out what Twitter was doing ten years ago today.

January_2008_016_normal_normaldeafmom: @sarahmorgan 10 years ago I was wiping butts, juggling 2 toddlers and a baby & counting the minutes ’til hubby arrived home so I cld escape.
Geoffrey_low-res_normalbobf1: @sarahmorgan 10 years ago today…I was wondering if people dressed up for Halloween at my first job out of college.
Noah_normal noahsaidwhat: @sarahmorgan – I had just started a new job and was utterly confused
Img_0905_normal joshshabtai: @sarahmorgan: putting finishing touches on a ‘road warrior’ halloween costume while trying to get over the dissolution of a relationship.
Heart_normal DJDiG: @sarahmorgan 10 years ago, I was probably listening to Hanson (still a fan).
Bill_normal snyderwriter: @sarahmorgan job hunting if I remember correctly.
: @sarahmorgan 10 years ago I was a high school junior in northern VA getting used to the east coast (again) after a recent move from SoCal
gamemom: @sarahmorgan 10 yrs ago was creating early online press events. Journos met online to play games and talk via phone. Fed Exed them food.

Rebecca__very_small_normal YML: @sarahmorgan Making haloween cosumes for a (then) one and two yr. old. about 3 hours ago

Panama_normal sachin_shah: @sarahmorgan @robinferrier “10 years ago” I had just moved to New York from DC, leaving my journalism career for the PR world.

Inga_rundquist_small_normalingarundquist:@sarahmorgan I was a junior at West High School having just moved from Germany to the US and taking drivers ed classes! Yikes
Default_profile_normal rferrier: @sarahmorgan “10 years ago…” i was working 1st job at literary agency and living at home b/c i didn’t make enough $$ to have my own place
Gspeakorange150x150_normal gturpin: @sarahmorgan 10 years ago today… I was also a new father and my wife and I were taking my son to meet his grandparents for the first time.
Megan_licursi_logo_copy2_normal meganlicursi: @sarahmorgan 10 years ago today I was in class at @AuburnU and working at the Auburn Plainsman

Ag_nye1_normalandrew_graham: @sarahmorgan 10 years ago, I was a junior in high school. Take from that what you will.

Head_n_mic_normalAnnetteFix: @sarahmorgan I’ll play. 10 years ago today, I was working as a dancer, supporting a deadbeat financial consultant from Smith Barney. Next?

Gspeakorange150x150_normal gturpin: @sarahmorgan 10 years ago today… I was the product manager for a multimedia design tool.

Pix_avatar_normalltbeyer:@sarahmorgan @skydiver re:HARO “10 years ago today…” I was a HS freshman going to my first Homecoming dance. (hope this thread spreads!)

Here’s where you tell me what you were doing!

Updated: Will wrote a whole post on it too!