Categories: serendipity

Sarah Morgan


Pardon my French. But today I’m a bit pissed, if I might be so bold. I have the distinct impression that The Powers That Be are messing with me at work. The job I do – and do rather well – the job that I am leaving because my contract is up, even though my boss says she really wishes I could stay, has just been advertised – as a permanent, manager’s, job. To which I say, ???

I’ve had serious doubts about several of the boss types, and those are getting seriouser. This could be an honest mistake, but the pricking of my thumbs is telling me different. Now, even if I could stay, I don’t really want to.

I just hope all of this works out well, somehow, soon. I’ve been up in the air since the end of October, and the drama of it all has gotten really old.