Categories: conversation

Sarah Morgan


It’s been seven months… several last-minute disappointments…. dozens of interviews… but I’ve done it!

Starting June 2, I will be a senior account executive at a very nice smallish healthcare PR agency in beautiful suburban New Jersey. I’m nervous and relieved and happy and worried and very excited. But most of all, I am so thankful that this frantic job hunt is over.

I’ve learned lots of lessons. First and foremost, I will never NOT be looking for a job again. I don’t mean that I don’t want to stay at the place I’m joining: not at all. I mean that I have a newfound understanding of and appreciation for networking and gaining new skills and polishing my resume.

Second, I have learned how much people have to offer, and how generous they are with their advice and their time, if you just screw up the courage to ask them.

Third, I have learned that one Interview Suit is not enough, no matter how infrequently you think you’ll need it.

I still have one paper to finish for this semester of grad school, and then I think I will melt into a little pool of used-up adrenaline. I’ve got time off between jobs, and I cannot wait.

Thanks for listening to me grouse about job-hunting, and interviewing, and worry about being penniless and bankrupt, and complain and whine in general. You know who you are.