Categories: serendipity

Sarah Morgan


La la la la la and whiskers on kittens… these are a few of my favorite things:

“Last Comic Standing” with Jay Mohr. Even if Rich Vos made it to Las Vegas. I saw one of the other comics (John… Prince? Bad memory.) at Dangerfield’s last week and – even though I don’t remember his last name – he was very funny. And did I mention Jay Mohr?
The ongoing semi-annual sale at Victoria’s Secret. Nothing says “I am woman” like rooting in bins of discount underpants.
The word “underpants”. Some things just don’t get old. Underpants underpants underpants.
My fabulous friend getting an awesome job, on her first interview, doing exactly what she wanted, somewhere great. Yay!
That – perhaps – I might be able to sublet from her when she moves.
Vicarious pretending I have a life with Drunky But Funky.
Taking a train trip to and from Philly next week. I like trains.

However, that leads to The Thing That Is Not Good…

Scary part of job that involves me accosting important and busy strangers and, quite possibly, extensive humiliation.(Even though I get to take a train there and back.)

Check back in a week or so to see if I made it. But don’t worry. I’ll make it. I never don’t make it. I’m like that.