Categories: Uncategorized

Sarah Morgan


Well my goodness, who knew I was that prolific? Blogger, apparently. Spiffy new redesign, folks. I likey.

Today’s point to ponder – edited to remain G-rated, at least in print, if not in thought – follows:

Many, if not all, corporate slogans can be rendered extremely amusing if one preceded by the phrase “a*** sex.”

To wit:

“Don’t Leave Home Without It.”

“It’s Everywhere You Want to Be.”

“It’s What You Crave.”

“It’s Hospitaliano!”

“I’m Lovin’ It!”

“When Your Bank Says No, Champion Says Yes.”

“What Can Brown Do for You?” (the one that started the whole conversation)

Add your own! It’s hours of enjoyment. The Boy and the Biscuit can verify this. And, they can also comment on this and add the ones I’m sure I’ve forgotten.

And thanks to Colin for “Put a Tiger in Your Tank!”