Categories: Personal

Sarah Morgan


Changes are afoot behind the scenes for this blog. As well as, perhaps, elsewhere. And so to help the process along, I’ll be posting daily this month. Perhaps just very short entries. Perhaps not. Sometimes taking requests, sometimes not. We’ll see.

I’ve set myself challenges like this in the past, with things like the #Trust30, the innumerable quizzes I take, and the “You Write the Title” series (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VI). They can shake loose interesting things inside my head.

As I’ve learned, between those series, and your most-read posts (201020112013, 2014 1/22015, 2016), “you drop by for the social media posts, but once you’re here, you want to know what I’m reading and how I’m working out.”Or, put another way, “you just love flamingoes and mustaches and references to Shakespeare and Lewis Carroll that much.”

Who knows what this will be. What will come of it. But it feels like I need to write in my own voice a little more right now. So here goes.