Categories: Healthcare

Sarah Morgan


One of my clients recently reviewed their analytics, and saw that a good number of their visitors were from their target companies. Good news!

But they were coming to their website after searching for information on how a certain technology was being used in their industry… which my client didn’t have much information on. So, they suspected, these potential customers were going away dissatisfied. Bad news.

To answer this need, I wrote a set of articles on the ways in which that technology was changing things – for all of the different stakeholders, for the industry overall, what’s happening now, how it’s projected to change the future – I geeked out on it from a lot of different angles. Fun stuff.

But more than just fun. We’re only halfway through the series’ publication, and they’ve already jumped to the first few results when you search for this topic. (They’ve checked using a variety of test search phrases and a variety of browsers.)

The point of content marketing (and, I think Peter would agree with me, all marketing) is to become ever more helpful to your target audience. Find out what they need and create it so it’s there, with you behind it, when they want it. Job done.

I love seeing results.