Categories: Personal

Sarah Morgan


(What’s APADIA? See here.) (You may have noticed I’m not always posting one a day. Sometimes I’m skipping, sometimes I’m doubling up. I’m trying to be okay with that.)

A quick note to list out some of my favorite podcasts. (In recent months, I’ve gotten back into them after many years away.)

Current favorites:

  • No Such Thing as a Fish
  • 99% Invisible
  • Stuff You Should Know
  • The Life Coach School Podcast
  • Young House Love Has a Podcast
  • Harder to Kill Radio
  • HBR IdeaCast
  • Classics for Kids
  • Studio404
  • Code Switch
  • What Trump Can Teach Us About Con Law
  • The Allusionist
  • Lingthusiasm
  • The History of English

I’m trying out:

  • Revisionist History
  • Science Vs
  • The Beauty Brains
  • Ben Greenfield Fitness
  • WANTcast
  • The ATP Project
  • The Breaking Muscle Podcast
  • Chasing Excellence
  • Marketing Secrets
  • Productivity Paradox
  • Land of the Sky UCC Weekly Sermons
  • Sermons from Richmond Beach UCC
  • Into the Mystic with John Dorhauer

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