Categories: Personal

Sarah Morgan


August is over! And with it, my “APADIA” project: A Post a Day in August. I’ve done a similar monthly challenge before, and I’ve always found it to be a great push to get myself out of bad habits. Publishing when you haven’t had time to over-edit can be helpful, breaking you of rumination and giving you deadlines.

It also helps me practice flexibility. I didn’t post exactly one post every day. Some days, more than one. Other days, none. But it’s been 31 posts in – well, 32 days. I’m okay with that.

But I fully admit that it’s also nice to come to the end of a project. I’m doing a totally different sort of challenge in September – a Whole30, avoiding alcohol, added sugar and sugar substitutes, dairy, grains and legumes. I’m doing to reinforce to myself that I don’t actually require protein shakes or bars, artificial sweeteners, or the occasional or not-so-occasional treat. That whole foods and careful choices are always worthwhile.

So, ironically, if August reminded me to embrace expedient imperfection, September will reverse that a bit.

Life’s a pendulum, isn’t it?


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