I keep professional details out of my posts. It’s a policy of mine. I need to keep this space mine, unencumbered by conflict.
However, I also try to tell the truth. More so lately than in the past: in previous years, I mentioned not a word of some pretty big things. It was what I felt I needed to do, but it wasn’t a particularly honest view of who I was. And I don’t like when blogs are dishonest. Well. People, really, not just blogs.
So, without details, but with honesty: I’ve been laid off.
How am I? Well, it’s a bit like jumping into the water on a cold day. It’s a shock to the system, but it’s not surprising that it is so.
What am I going to do? I’m going to continue life, just as I have through all that 2013 has delivered. I’m going to test for my second dan. I’m going to continue my burgeoning crush on Benedict Cumberbatch. I’m going to handmake Christmas.
I’m scared, of course – wouldn’t any sensible person be? – but I have to admit… I’m excited. I know I’m worth my salt. Corporate communications, public relations, internal communications, writing, social, digital media, compliance: I’ve worked hard on that skill set. I’m good and unusual, and I don’t think it’s bragging to know that.
I’m going to freelance and consult (have begun), look for a new full-time role (that, too), and get back to work I love.
Perhaps I have found myself in the water on a cold day… but perhaps it was because I’d fallen asleep and needed to be waked up.
The farm has burned down and it’s time for an adventure.
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