Categories: Healthcare

Sarah Morgan


Here is a very long, very non-exhaustive, reference list of some of the publicly available work that I have written, ghostwritten, or helped an author to write, for some clients, in recent years.

After all those caveats, and before it unrolls, a small story.

19 years ago, Kelly Clarkson won American Idol, Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped, Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize, George W. Bush was president, the Queen Mother died… and, in a small half-walled cubicle in rural New Jersey, I started a blog.

I was getting my adulthood sea legs in my first full-time job. While I had wonderful mentors who helped me greatly, the professional structure was a bit wobbly, and so was my personal life. To help me, I was finding peers and friends online (a very unusual thing to do in 2002) – and decided to find myself a voice online too, here.

I didn’t imagine that, a couple of decades later, I’d be able to see that the concept of an online voice would be the throughline of my personal, academic, and professional life. But here we are. And I couldn’t be more grateful. It’s worth noting the obvious: that my personal blogging has slowed as my professional career as a healthcare writer has become, at times, consuming. (I’m typing this wearing a new gift from a friend – a bracelet that says “balance.”) I’m working on that.

Some writers today are monetizing long-form content on Medium or on Substack or in newsletters. Why am I keeping a blog like this alive, instead of doing that? Well… because it’s mine. My work appears all over, but this has been my home longer than any physical place ever has. I’d like to blog personally more. But even more importantly, I’d like to keep this record that I’ve had here of my professional work. And so, I needed to do a lot of catching up on it. Because of that tricky balance thing, I’d let it fall away. But I’ve had a wonderful assistant help me catch up. I owe this entirely to Kylie and I’m tremendously grateful to her! There are some errors and incompleteness, I’m certain, and those are entirely my own.

Koneksa – Beyond the Clinic  Remote Spirometry Data Collection in Respiratory Diseases  

Koneksa – Implementing Digital Endpoints in CNS Clinical Trials

April 6 2021 – Intouch – Marketing to HCPs as We Emerge From the COVID-19 Pandemic

March 31 2021 – Intouch – SXSW blogs and POV

March 16 2021 – Intouch – Service Design & Digital Medicine  An Intouch Case Study

February 26 2021 – Intouch – (Marcom) AI equity POV (Antonio, Brendon, Abid), Information security blogs (Shane Westrup), HCPs disappointed in pharma’s digital pandemic efforts (David Windhausen), Medical meeting booths (Brendon Thomas), Abilify Mycite and service design model (Dylan Herman-Dunphy), AbbVie Oriahnn inclusivity assessment (Matthew Griffin and Antonio Regalado), Inclusivity article for PlaybookEd cal planning (Penelope)

February 25 2021 – Intouch – HCPs Need More From Digital Pharma  Research Shows Dissatisfaction, Offers Insights (byline)  

February 18 2021 – Intouch – 7 Tips to Succeed at Virtual Conference Booths in 2021

February 4 2021 – Intouch – Brand & Market Access Leaders, Your Time Is Now

February 2 2021 – Intouch – Algorithms and Equity  Banishing Bias in AI   

January 28 2021 – Intouch – Concierge Medicine: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

January 26 2021 – Intouch – Digital Wearout: Pandemic Fatigue Hits Advertising (byline)  

January 8 2021  – Koneksa – ATS Suggests Home Spirometry for Pulmonary Medicine Services During the Pandemic  

January 6 2021 – Intouch – Amazon Pharmacy  How Will It Affect Pharma?

December 2020 – Koneksa –– An Introduction to Actigraphy & Best Practices for Clinical Trials  

December 20 2020 – Intouch – What Matters Most: The Trends That Will Shape Pharma Marketing in 2021  

December 11 2020 – Intouch – Relationship advice

November 25 2020   – Koneksa – A New Look for Digital Biomarkers

November 18 2020   – Koneksa – Remote Spirometry Data Collection in Respiratory Diseases

November 12 2020 – Intouch – A Cookieless Future: Why All the Fuss Around Cookies?

November 10 2020 – Intouch – Three New Campaigns Seek to Get Patients Back to the Doctor’s Office (byline)  

November 3 2020 – Intouch – Digital accessibility in pandemic for Amy Toft, Clients’ enhanced interest in DTC in pandemic times (Susan Perlbachs, Aaron Uydess), Future of telehealth (Glen Davis), spotlight Maria Hoheusle in data science (Heather Beach), Media whitepaper

November 3 2020 – Intouch – Modern Marketing series of B2D blogs

October 28 2020 – Intouch – Election 2020: Issues, Implications, What’s at Stake for Pharma

October 23 2020 – Intouch – A Creative Origin Story in a Newspaper Clipping (byline)  

October 12 2020 – Intouch – 6 Keys to Post-Pandemic Success: Highlights from the “Pharma Marketing USA” Conference

October 6 2020 – Intouch – Pharma Chatbots: Designing the Human Side of the Experience (Pt. Two)

October 1 2020 – Intouch – Pharma Chatbots: Designing the Human Side of the Experience (Pt. One)  

September 2 2020 – Intouch – Untapped Audience POV series (includes accessibility research, LGBT+ discussion, Latinx, D/HOH), Editorial calendar research, discussions, prioritizations, updates, etc. Diversity & Inclusion discussions, including research and updates as needed. 

August 31 2020 – Intouch – Craft Matters – Intouch’s New CCO on Creating Creativity

August 26 2020 – Intouch – Strategic and Tactical Considerations for 2021 Planning During COVID-19

August 18 2020 – Intouch B2D – Client Case Study: Spyglass

August 10 2020 – Intouch B2D – Untapped Audiences: Reaching Black Americans  

July 30 2020 – Intouch – What Every Healthcare Marketer Needs to Know About Inclusive Marketing POV

July 30 2020   – Koneksa – Webinar Recap and Replay: Actigraphy in Clinical Research  

July 26 2020   – Koneksa – Tolerability in Oncology: FDA and ASCO Agree with Koneksa, it’s Vital to Measure It  

July 13 2020 – Intouch B2D – 7 Ways to Improve the Secret Email Score that could be Hurting your Email Deliverability

July 7 2020 – Intouch – PM360 byline, HCP vs Reps blog 

July 7 2020 – Intouch – B2D – Series of Adobe blogs

June- August (Publish Dates)- Intouch (B2D) Blogs relating to Covid 19 White paper

The 7 Ways Covid 19 is Changing Pharma Marketing strategy/the-7-ways-covid-19-is-changing-pharma-marketing/

How Covid 19 Will Forever Change Pharma Sales and Marketing  https://blog.intouch

Patient Support Programs: Failing our Patients is not an Option  https://blog.

Time to Put you HCP Support into Overdrive /time-to-put-your-hcp-support-into-overdrive/ 

Digital Pharma Week Reinforces the Top Current Concerns of Pharma Marketers

Point of Care  A Whole New World -a-whole-new-world/

June 30 2020 – Intouch – Data Targeting for Rare Diseases  

June 25 2020 – Intouch (B2D)- What is a Data Warehouse and why should you care so much?

June 22 2020 – AgriPulse (Sharecare)- Opinion: Beyond the pandemic: The far-reaching implications of COVID-19

June 18 2020 – Intouch – Healthcare Marketing to Women of Color  

June 17 2020   – Koneksa – EMA Offers Clarity on Digital Biomarker Terminology and Submission Process

June 17 2020   – Koneksa – Webinar Recap and Replay: The Importance of Tracking Physical Activity in Cancer 

June 3 2020 – Sharecare- “Why First-Party Data Is Vital in a Cookie-Less World”

June 3 2020 – Intouch – (B2D) the best time to upgrade

May 5 2020 – Intouch (B2D)- How COVID- 19 Is Accelerating Modern Marketing

May 1 2020 – Intouch – Covid-19 White paper, strategic planning, click fraud

May 1 2020 – Intouch – Marketo vs. Salesforce POV

April 27 2020 – Intouch – Impact of COVID-19 on Brand Planning  

April 16 2020 – Intouch – COVID-19 and Its Impact on Market Access (Payers and Organized Providers)  

April 10 2020 – Intouch – Impact of COVID-19 on Clinical Trials  

April 8, 2020   – Koneksa – Webinar Recap and Replay: How Digital Tech Can Help Clinical Trials During COVID-19 and After  

April 2, 2020   – Koneksa – COVID-19 Consideration and Implications for Digital Biomarkers in Clinical Trials

March 30 2020 – Intouch – Impact of COVID-19 on Medical Conferences and Live Events

March 28 2020 – Intouch – COVID-19 POV series: Reps, Working from home, Patient support groups, Playbook – COVID-19 on reps, Intouch internal documents – working from home, follow-up FAQ

March 25, 2020   – Koneksa – Digital Health Technology, Remote Clinical Trials and COVID-19: Koneksa Speaks at Forum  

March 23 2020   – Koneksa – Koneksa on Digital Medicine and Wearable Technologies

March 12 2020 – Intouch – Telehealth & Pharma – Finding a Niche in This Rapidly Growing Field POV  

March 11 2020 – Digital Phenotypes and Biomarkers for Oncology Patients: Koneksa at IO360

March 1 2020 – Intouch – (B2D) When is the right time to invest in martech, Evolution of pharma martech

February 28 2020 – Koneksa – An Update From the Cutting Edge – the FNIH Biomarker Consortium

February 18 2020 – Intouch – Gen X Women: Our Families’ “Chief Healthcare Officers”

February 3 2020   – Koneksa – The Two Arms of Our Business

February 1 2020 – Intouch – (B2D) Build vs Buy POV

January 14 2020 – Koneksa – Excited for 2020 and Proud of 2019

January 14 2020 – Intouch – “Depressurizing” Instagram: What Do Disappearing “Likes” Mean for Your Brand? POV (byline)  

January 7 2020 – Intouch – Corporate Cybersecurity: What Pharma Marketers Need to Know POV (byline)  

December 31 2019 – Intouch – Telehealth POV

December 2 2019 – Crossix- Future of Audience Targeting for Health Brands

December 4 2019 – Intouch – What Matters Most: The Trends That Will Shape Pharma Marketing in 2020  

November 14 2019 – Forbes – The Top Three Data-Privacy Fears I Hear And the Truth About Them  

October 19 2019 – PM360 – Pharma-Driven Connected-Device Platforms Moving Beyond Sci-Fi  

October 9 2019 – 4A’s – Five Questions for Chris Shirling, Chief Financial Officer of Intouch Group

October 2 2019 – Intouch – PharmaPhorum Spotlight on AI in Action, Digital Disruptor on AI

September 30 2019 – Intouch – Multicultural Marketing: What Pharma Needs to Know, Part II

September 24 2019 – Intouch – Multicultural Marketing: What Pharma Needs to Know, Part I

August 31 2019 – Sharecare – Why Endemic Content Matters: The Importance of Context in Creating Trust

August 12 2019  – Forbes – Voice Technology and the Lure of Zero UI in Health Care

August 2 2019  – Intouch – Juvenile arthritis awareness, IT flexibility vs. adaptability, salesforce, senate vote, startup pharma for LinkedIn, DHC newsletter, PharmaPhorum Spotlight

July 16 2019   – Intouch – California’s New Data Privacy Law: New Thinking on its Implications for Pharma

June 27 2019  – Intouch – Healthcare Logistics Is Going to the Drones (byline)  

June 12 2019   – Intouch – Diversity and Inclusion: Is Your Brand Doing It Right?

June 6 2019  – PharmaLive – Voice, the Next Generation

May 25 2019 – Sharecare – social listening in Type 2 

May 22 2019  – Intouch – What About YouTube? Streaming TV and the List-Price Mandate

May 21 2019  – Intouch – Sensitive Disease State Media Targeting  

May 16 2019   – Intouch – New List Price Mandate for DTC Television Advertising

May 7 2019   – Intouch – Attribution: The Key to Understanding and Motivating Audiences (byline)  

May 5 2019 – Intouch – Personal Health Data, Congressional drug pricing panels, Forbes Technology Council columns, PharmaPhorum Spotlight, and CES

May 5-25 2019 – Harvard Business School – Kraft Precision Medicine Accelerator – Making Non-Profit and Pharma Master Protocol Collaborations Work

April 24 2019   – Intouch – Who’s Afraid of Paid Social?

April 22 2019  – Intouch – For PBMs, Change Is Coming, But Slowly

April 5 2019  – Intouch (SXSW) Top Trends for Pharma Marketers from South By Southwest 2019  

April 1 2019 – Intouch – Diversity in healthcare and pharma marketing, PharmaPhorum. SXSW Pre-event blog, Post-event POV, Addiction POV, Women’s health POV.

March 26 2019   – Intouch (SXSW)The Pressing Need for Data Reformation

March 19 2019   – Intouch (SXSW)- The Trifecta Stalking Patients, HCPs, and All of Us: Isolation, Loneliness, Distrust

March 13 2019   – Intouch (SXSW) – Experts at SXSW: Healthcare Universe Is Realigning Around the Consumer  

March 7 2019   – Intouch – Pharma CEOs Face the U.S. Senate in Drug Price Hearings (byline)  

March 5 2019 – Intouch – PMB 101, Optimization, IMM, Pharmaphorum Editorial, Tesaro DTC media case study,

February 28 2019 – AI for Rare Diseases: Putting Tech to Work for Small Populations

February 21 2019 – Intouch – KonMari, Marketers! (byline)  

February 19 2019  – Intouch – Fake Health News: Is Your Brand Part of the Problem? (byline)  

February 18 2019 – Intouch – Blogs  Strategy w/ Jess Seilheimer, Market Access with Jeff Ceitlin and Mike Motto, Outreach to and discussion with Kate Moon, Jenna Thomas, Josh Poole, Marty Canniff, Sam Chase, Justin Chase, Tina Breithaupt, Aaron Uydess; POV Topic brainstorming, interviews, development, Playbook article comparing agency and client life, SXSW planning, Modern Marketing Assessment Tool blog list

February 12 2019  – Intouch – Medical Information Teams Need AI; Here’s Why

February 7 2019  – Intouch – Pharma Marketers, Have You Found Your Voice (Search)?

February 4 2019  – Intouch – Rx: Authenticity, PRN (byline)  

Jan 21 2019  – Intouch – The Best a Brand Can Get? Gillette’s Viral Ad Is an Important Reminder to Pharma Marketers (byline)  

Jan 14 2019  –Intouch – New Questions: Lifesaving Medical Advances Open the Door for New Comorbidities (byline)  

December 18 2018 – Intouch – The Health and Tech Trends That Will Shape Pharma Marketing in 2019  

December 6 2018 – Intouch – Eyelea commercial, Accelerator event and recap

November 27 2018 – Intouch – Copay Accumulator Programs: Cost Shifts and Unintended Consequences  

November 19 2018 – Intouch – Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Rep Visits

November 4 2018 – Intouch – AI-powered rep visits, Marketing Mix, SME expertise at Intouch, Mydayis, Veeva Suggestions, DOJ letter on ADA rules for websites

November 4 2018 – Commerce Healthcare – Kansas Surgical case study/testimonial

October 1 2018 – DKI Health – Advocacy Article

October 1 2018 – Commerce Healthcare – postcard copy, KS Surgical testimonial, reference documents, and general discussion of brand opportunities.

October 1 2018 – Intouch – Can Pharma Stop Prescribing? Human-Centered Design in Pharma Marketing  

September 30 2018   – IQVIA – White paper – Indian medical device industry

September 24 2018 – Intouch – Preparing for, and Facing, Loss of Exclusivity: Is Your Brand Ready?  

September 17 2018 – Intouch – 3 Lessons on Video From the 2018 Nielsen Video 360 Report (byline)  

September 4 2018 – DKI- Data article, antimicrobial resistance article

September 4 2018 – Intouch – In Case You Missed It: Catch Up on Artificial Intelligence in Pharma Marketing

September 4 2018- Commerce Healthcare

August 23 2018 – Intouch – In Case You Missed It: Catch Up on Data Analytics  

August 9 2018 – Intouch – In Case You Missed It: Catch Up on Healthcare Marketing

August 7 2018 – Intouch – Generation Vex: Substance vs Stereotype (byline)  

August 1 2018 – Crossix – white paper – trends

August 1 2018 – Intouch – Mad Men and Math Men,

July 31 2018   -Intouch – Pharma Pop-Ups – Are They Right for Your Brand? (byline)  

July 25 2018 – Intouch – Data or Creative: What’s an Ad Exec Really Need? (byline)  

July 23 2018 – Intouch – Reasons to Believe: Trust and Transparency Change Everything (byline)  

July 19 2018 – Intouch – Turning Looks, Stunting Pretty (byline)  

July 11 2018 – Intouch – Tech Without Empathy: A Losing Proposition (byline)  

July ? 2018 – Intouch – whitepaper – AI and Veeva

June 28 2018 – Intouch – Watch Your Six  How Brand Managers Should Address Six-Tier Formularies (byline)

June 22 2018 – Crossix – Putting Patients at the Center of POC Measurement

June 3 2018   – Koneksa – blogs on data platform and privacy, USAIC, EMBL-EBI, ATS

June 3 2018   – Intouch – What goes into client work

June 3 2018 – Crossix – Asaf Evenhaim on Global Data Privacy Regulations (GDPR) blog

June 18 2018   – Intouch – 5 Things Pharma Marketers Should Know From Mary Meeker’s 2018 Internet Trends Report (byline)  

May 31 2018   – Intouch – 15 questions to ask and 5 not to ask to beat adversity (byline)  

May 29 2018   – Intouch – 7 marketing maxims to ignore (byline)

May 22 2018   – Intouch – Pricing pressure in pharma and value-based care (byline)  

May 9 2018 – Intouch – Modern Marketing: The Coming AI Revolution in Pharma


May 7 2018 – Intouch – How Edge Computing Will Affect Pharma Marketing (byline)  

May 1 2018 – Intouch – FDA Approves AI Device in an Industry First (byline)  

May 1 2018 – Intouch – POV: Tech and other non-pharma players joining the pharma industry,

May-June-etc 2018 (Several Invoices) – Intouch – DHC / Intouch ebook

April 18 2018 – Intouch – Adobe Summit 2018 Recap: It’s All About Customer Experience

April 12 2018 – Intouch – The Amazonification of Health

April 5 2018 – Crossix – Protecting Privacy in a Connected World

March 18 2018 – Intouch – SXSW 2018: Expressing Gratitude   

March 7 2018 – Intouch – Voice Search: What It Changes – and Makes Possible (byline)  

April & March 2018 – Crossix – revision of entire website, blogs (no longer extant)

March 5 2018  – Intouch – SXSW 2019: Here Comes Intouch! (byline)

March 5 2018 – Intouch – Personal Searches, PM360 article, How data is disrupting healthcare marketing

February 15 2018 – Intouch – Programmatic Media: A Win-Win Proposition for Pharma (no byline)  

February 2 2018 – Intouch – How-tos. What We Wish Clients Knew, Chatbots. Forever Welcome post/ bios on  Irving Berlin, Louis Chevrolet, Joseph Pulitzer, Andrew Carnegie, Victor Gruen, Sunayana Dumala at the State of the Union, Pritha Hariharan. DHC Fall Summit. 

January 23 2018 – Intouch – What Really is People-Based Marketing Anyway? (byline)  

January 15 2018 – Intouch – The Health and Tech Trends That Will Shape Pharma Marketing in 2018 (byline)  

January 3 2018 – Intouch – How Data is Transforming Healthcare POV 

December 18 2017 – Intouch – PM360 Digital Therapeutics, DHC Fall Summit

December 5 2017 – Intouch – How Railroads Changed Healthcare – And Why It’s Happening Again (byline)  

November 16 2017 – Intouch – Understanding Dark Social: Seeing in the Dark (byline)  

November 4 2017 – Intouch – How data is revolutionizing healthcare (for Ozgun), DHC Midwest Summit recap/ presentation summary, Agency vs. Client Life newsletter articles with interviews 

October 31 2017 – DHC Midwest Summit Recap (byline)  

October 26 2017 – Animal Health prevention article

October 18 2017 – Intouch – Avoid Deletion! Make Sure Users P.R.E.F.E.R. Your App (byline)  

October 10 2017 – Linkedin articles for Paige Mahaney and Clive Wood

October 6 2017 – IQVIA – Kraft Precision Medicine Accelerator white paper

October 5 2017 – Intouch – How we made a creative idea happen, Healthcare transformation (for Novartis), Wikipedia entry, Quarterly column for PM360, Newsletter articles with interviews on agency and client life, DHC Midwestern Summit recap report, blog post, presentation summary, Update old DHC POV, Promo copy for previous POVs

October 5 2017 – Derm Times – There’s an App for That!, Derms on Social Media, High Impact Publications, Dermatopathologists and Social Media

October 4 2017 – IMS Health – White paper on medical device innovation in the Asia Pacific region 

September 27 2017 – Intouch – Is It Time for Pharma to Look at Snapchat and Tumblr? (byline)

September 7 2017 – Intouch – Iconic Ads Can Teach Pharma How to Be EPIC (byline)  

September 4 2017 – Intouch – FDA study on social communications, Client versus agency perspective posts

August 30 2017 – Intouch – Staying Creative in the Face of “No” (byline)  

August 14 2017 – Intouch – 10 Ways for Brand Managers to Be More Creative (byline)  

August 9 2017 – Intouch – Comparing life client-side v agency-side,

August 1 2017 – Intouch – HCPs  They’re Just Like Us! (byline)

July 26 2017 – Intouch – Seeing the Light… Light Email Design (byline)

July 18 2017 – Intouch – Where’s the Voice in your Analytics? (byline)  

July 12 2017 – Intouch – From Emojis to GIFs, How Adding Fun Visual Experiences Can Deliver Complex Messages and Develop Brand Relationships (byline)

July 10 2017 – Intouch – 3D Printing  Is It the End-All, Be-All Healthcare Solution? POV (byline)

July 7 2017 – Intouch – Flashback Friday  Online Communities, Then and Now (byline)

July 5 2017 – Intouch – Strategic Recommendations blog, DHC research data POV

June 16 2017 – Intouch (PM360) – Futuristic—But Realistic  

June 12 2017 – Derm Times – Does your practice serve men’s skin needs? (byline)

June 12 2017 – Derm Times – Help your patients with summer skin issues (byline)

June 6 2017 – Derm Times – Skin Cancer News for Derms, Father’s Day / Male Aesthetics

June 1 2017 – Intouch – Relationship management series  Doctor’s Discussion Guide blog, Flashback Friday series  Digital, Summary of Digital Health Coalition West Coast Spring Summit

May 30 2017 – Intouch – Data-Driven Recipes for Success  Geolocation (byline)

May 22 2017 – Intouch – Machine Learning 101  What Is It and What’s It Mean for Pharma? (byline)

May 17 2017 – Intouch – Wayback Wednesday  Gamification in Pharma Through the Years (byline)

May 11 2017 – Intouch – Triggered Emails, Digital’s All Grown Up, Titles and Summaries for CRM newsletter, “Payers and Social Networks  Opportunities for Pharma Marketing”, DHC “West Coast Summit” white paper

May 10 2017 – Derm Times – 5 Ways to Promote Skin Cancer Prevention Month (byline)

May 10 2017 – Derm Times – Did You Know? (byline)

May 10 2017 – Intouch – Doctors Aren’t Making the Decisions Anymore  How to Address Hospital Systems (byline)

May 9 2017 – Iris House Bio – – feature on Latino Commission on AIDS

April 20 2017 – Intouch – Visualization and Personalization  Making Data Meaningful (byline)

April 18 2017 – Intouch – How Tech Is Changing Marketing Into Immersive Storytelling (byline)

April 17 2017 – Derm Times – Career Tips Every Derm Resident Should Know (byline)

April 17 2017 – Derm Times – Tips for Physician Writers  10 Steps to Become a Better Writer (byline)

April 10 2017 – Intouch – You Need More Video in Your Marketing!  

April 7 2017 – Latino Commission on AIDS, PASI profiles, grant program

April 7 2017 – In Case You Missed It, Storytelling, Standing on Shoulders, Little Black Book 

April 6 2017 – Intouch – So You Want to do a Virtual Reality App (MM&M),  Together is Better (PM360). SXSW 2017 content development ( Event research, benchmarking, prep, on-site attendance, conversations, debriefs, writing, editing, posting blogs and tweets, development of white paper)

March 19 2017 – Intouch – How Trends Help Us Innovate in Uncertain Times

March 13 2017 – Derm Times – Building Your Office  Three Keys to Success (byline)

March 12 2017 – Derm Times – Knowing Your Worth  Advice for Women in Dermatology, It’s Time for the ADD Annual Meeting. (Articles no longer on website) 

March 12 2017 – Editing work for Someone Cares, Inc., Rain, Inc., SisterLove, Inc., Nashville Cares, and for Positive Action for Youth articles

March 7 2017 – DMD Intelligence – 16 Stats Proving Email Still Delivers the Best ROI

February 27 2017 – Intouch – Wearables 2.0  Beyond the Watch (byline)

February 21 2017 – DMD Intelligence – Email  Marketing’s Old Faithful

February 17 2017 – Intouch – Friday Flashback  Mobile First – in 2011, and 2017 (byline)

February 15 2017 – Intouch – WTF Is Blockchain and Why Should You Care?

February 14 2017 – Intouch – Innovation During Disruption and Change (byline)

February 9 2017 – Intouch – Brave New World, Brave New Metrics  Why Engagement Analytics Matter in Value-Based Care (byline)

February 9 2017 – Med Ad News – Agenda 2017  Growing Up  

February 2 2017   -Intouch – Video in Digital Marketing Blog, Blockchain technology in healthcare, Recommendations for POV editorial calendar, Trends 2017, Being data-driven (relationship management series) blog, 

January 18 2017 – Intouch – Does Your Meet the Payer’s Needs? (byline)

January 9 2017 – The Promise of Augmented Reality (byline)

January 31 2017 -Derm Times – MD vs DO, Pros and Cons

January 27 2017 – Derm Times – Stress management tips for dermatologists (byline) 

January 20 2017 – Derm Times – A checklist to practice what you preach (byline)

January 6 2017 – Jacket copy for Secret Sauce  How to Pack Your Messages with Persuasive Punch

December 13 2016 – Intouch – The 21st Century Cures Act  What It Is, and What It Means for Pharma and for Healthcare (byline)

July 18 2016 – Intouch – Pokemon Go and mHealth  Augmented Reality Hits Its Tipping Point (byline)

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