Categories: serendipity

Sarah Morgan


Yay for the Donors Choose Blogger Challenge!
Oh wait. If you haven’t heard of Tomato Nation or Donors Choose…

…I’ll wait.

Okay, back?

So yeah. I’ve been reading Sarah Bunting for ever… maybe 8 or 9 years I guess? (She likes the Yankees, she’s funny – and she used to hang out at the Nauseous. How can I not love her?) She’s done fundraising projects before, so this year she gathered a bunch of fantastic school projects on Donors Choose.

But then it started to snowball… project after project got funded… Claire Danes found out about a random “My So-Called Life” mention and is matching funds. It’s just totally random and funny and very, very cool. Sixty thousand dollars in four days. And that’s just this one set of projects. There’s a whole list of people doing this. It’s awesome stuff in the realest sense of the word – awe-inspiring. Who says blogs don’t make a difference?

The current Tomato Nation challenges are funded, but there’s more coming, and lots of other bloggers are running challenges. Go poke around Donors Choose for a few minutes. It’s amazing to see the creativity and passion that cool teachers all over the country have for their kids – and the little bit they need to make their ideas happen for them.