Categories: creativity

Sarah Morgan


In 1967, the editors of Tiger Beat posed a series of questions to the Monkees. My turn.

  1. How would your mother describe you in one word? Strong.
  2. What is your favorite flower? Gardenia.
  3. What is the most insane question you’ve ever been asked? Did you know you were speeding?
  4. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? I wouldn’t change it.
  5. What word in the English language do you wish you had invented? Fuck.
  6. What is the first quote that comes to your mind? “Your absence has gone through me like thread through a needle. Everything I do is stitched with its color.”
  7. What animal best describes the kind of person you’d be interested in? A Labrador.
  8. What do you miss about your childhood? Playing pretend.
  9. In what hour of the day do you function best? Depends what I’m doing, doesn’t it now.
  10. What is the main fault in your character? Glib, distractable, forgetful, judgmental, prone to the sulks.
  11. If you met the right person today, would you propose tomorrow? Doubtful, as I’m headed for bed and don’t expect to find anyone under the covers.
  12. What was your favorite subject in school? English.
  13. Where would you like to live? In a state of bliss.
  14. Describe how you kiss in one word. Searchingly.
  15. What in the world do you least desire? Stardom.
  16. Why do you think most people date you? I don’t think most people date me. But they maybe ought to.
  17. Who is your favorite historical figure? Shakespeare.
  18. How many times have you fallen in love? Enough to know better.
  19. What are your favorite names? James and Anna.
  20. Finish this sentence. “Happiness is a thing called…” …joy is a moment noticed… love is a question answered.”

Now it’s your turn.