Categories: organization

Sarah Morgan


My approach this year to simplifying my entertainment can be summed up in three words:

Less. Cheaper. Digital. 

  • For music: I cancelled SiriusXM. I re-established my love for Pandora and found Spotify. I bought the TuneIn app and the Radioshift software
  • For TV and movies: I dropped cable TV and Netflix. I don’t use Redbox or any video rental places. I subscribed to a couple of shows on iTunes, and I use Amazon Prime to watch free movies – and to pay for the rare one that I want to digitally rent. And YouTube, Hulu and Google Video have increasing amounts of full content.

This is saving me money, and it’s also saving me space: a cable box, a DVR box, a SiriusXM car kit, a SiriusXM radio, Netflix discs lying around – all gone.

The biggest change? To simplify your entertainment media, what I’ve noticed primarily is that you have to learn to become okay with having temporary use of intangible media, instead of owning media stuff. I’m still not there with books, as anyone who’s seen my library room can tell you. Maybe next year.