Categories: Uncategorized

Sarah Morgan


…for public humiliation.

I kid, I kid.

…well, sort of. I ran my first 5K.

…well, sort of. It’s not my first, it’s just the first time I ever tried to run one. And I didn’t; I broke down and walked for a couple of minutes midway through. And my time was unspeakably dismal –

…well, sort of. It’s speakable, it’s just dismal –

Wow. And it’s actually wrong on the official site, I just noticed. Two of our group had the same first name, we finished one after the other, and somehow they mixed up our times.

ANYWAY, my point is, because I DO have one, and it IS an optimistic one, and I’m NOT focusing on the bad stuff like it sounds like I am, my point is that I DID IT, and I truly AM happy about it. I don’t have to be scared of it anymore, and I can cross it off my goals list, and I can just do it again and do it faster next time!

Originally uploaded by Saranne03

And there were some perks, even besides all that. An unbelievably gorgeous morning with great people who were ridiculously proud of me, and who in two cases did their own record-ish things for themselves – made it all pretty nice.

And really, how often do you get the chance to get schooled by an eight-year-old in two different sports before brunch? It’s got to be healthy to get your ego that firmly in check.

(Although that’s usually accomplished pretty effectively just by having the ever-awesome Tracy around.)