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Sarah Morgan


Passed on from the Rock Star, who got it here.

“Today a coworker of mine had a thought to send flowers to a random couple waiting in line at San Francisco City Hall.

He called a florist and they agreed to do it. He told them to deliver to any couple – it didn’t matter who – standing in line to get married, with his blessing. The card will read simply ‘With love, from Minneapolis, Minnesota.’

Once they understood, they were very touched and thought it was a great idea.

He told another co-worker who did the same thing. And now we want to start a movement. Wouldn’t that be cool if people from all over the country, gay, straight and otherwise, started sending flowers to the people waiting in line to get married?

Call it The Big Gay Bouquet, call it Flowers from the Heartland. Call it whatever you want, but help us get this off the ground.

Call Flowers on the Bay at (888) 217-9119 and order a bouquet to be delivered tomorrow at noon.

And tell all of your friends to do it.

Because straight or gay, we believe and we know many people who believe, support and celebrate the right to marriage. And we’d like to show it. We’d like to see all of the people standing in line with flowers of support from all over the country.

P.S. Flowers on the Bay seems like a small shop and might get overwhelmed if this really did catch on. I have a feeling that any Bay-Area flower shop, perhaps even doing FTD through your local florist, could work.”