As I’ve said before, I’ve never liked Pearl Jam. I always thought that cover of “Last Kiss” was the one exception, but now, I’ve liked “Rise” enough to look it up. Guess who it’s by. Darn you, Eddie Vedder, you stringy-haired man in plaid. Discovery Channel commercials for “Deadliest Catch,” I blame you.
…While I’m at it, I like the theme of “Life,” too. But does it strike anyone else that the tagline is “Life is brought to you by Target”? Isn’t that extreme? Can one store really sponsor existence? (Although, in my case, way too accurate. Target is a money pit.)
…Anyway. Who knew you could buy the soundtrack to a reality show about Alaskan fishermen? The world is just awesome.
ANYWAY. My point is less about music (or Discovery Channel or Target) and more about caprice.
It’s an odd feeling when you realize that you’re enjoying something you’ve professed to hate. It’s almost a feeling of disloyalty to yourself. Like you accidentally just cheated on your own preferences.
Then there’s a bit of embarrassment. Because now people are going to be all accusingly “but I thought you hated that color/place/person/food” and you’re going to have to eat your words. But there are worse meals. I mean, if you spent life (brought to you by Target!) never learning anything, what fun would that be?
I always thought I hated…
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