I asked: What song would people be surprised to know that you love or hate? Here are some of the results.
@prranch (cowboy, safari man) Shhh – everything by Neil Diamond.
@cssully (Texan tech guy) Love @katyperry “Firework” song #surprise
@bradatpharma (corporate gentleman) HATE: “The Hills Are Alive” from The Sound of Music. LOVE: “Ooh Ooh Song” by Pat Benatar.
Erin (Pittsburger, mommy) The number-one most played song on my iPod is KernKraft 400 – the German techno song. (“Zombie Nation“)
Megan (Mild-mannered third-grade teacher) “Stinkfist” by Tool. Yep, I like my music hard, at times! ;)
Melissa (Another redhead, another writer) I will sing out loud to “Islands in the Stream” if no one is around (love me anyhow).
Dorothy (My godmother, people. This made me laugh out loud.) Most surprised I love: Rammstein… “Du Hast”
Mine? I hate that I love Enrique Iglesias’s “Addicted“. It’s a terrible song, it sends a terrible message, it’s the most overwrought thing since the Dawson Cry, but I cannot quit that song. You should see my dramatic rendition. It’s… pretty dramatic. Thank goodness it’s rarely played in public (because it’s so bad).
How about you? What song do you weirdly love? Or hate?
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