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Sarah Morgan


It takes a lot to render me speechless, but it happened when I read this post by the fabulous Jane. In the few years I’ve known her, I’ve watched her become a marathoner and a triathlete; go through a divorce and inter-state moves; find love with a wonderful guy; and no matter what massive challenge she was up against, remain as poised, creative, optimistic, fun and funny as ever. So for her to use a word like “inspirational” about me – well, it’d be a marvelous compliment no matter what, but in this case, especially so.

It’s no coincidence that we met brainstorming a crazy idea that we turned into a fabulous project* – one she’s keeping going. I think that’s what I admire most about Jane – she’s constantly seeking out adventure with such  enthusiasm.

But I also admire the post concept, and fortunately for you, dear readers, my admiration does not stop at thievery, so I’m totally stealing her idea and turning it around on you.

Who impresses you? Who do you admire?

*You know I went through alllll those pictures again after adding those links. That weekend was so fun.