MattHall (he of the Questions) has discovered a disease. Treatable, but incurable. If left untreated, it can destroy your quality of life – paralyzing, maybe even life-threatening.
Fraud Syndrome.
Symptoms include the lifelong nagging fears that:
- you do not really have any idea what you’re talking about
- you’re about to be found out at any moment
- you should know more, do more, be more
- much more
- than where you’re at
- everyone else is ahead of you
- everyone else is laughing at you behind your back
- they’re right to
- and you should just give up.
Untreated, the condition can spiral into:
- loss of self-esteem
- shame
- guilt
- enervation
- apathy
- ennui
- depression
- paranoia
- and even suicidal ideation.
Who are we kidding. Even when you do treat it – even when you do work your tail off every single day fighting it – it can still snap up and bite you.
- “You’re ___ years old and yet…”
- “You call yourself a ___ and yet…”
- “You tell people ___, and yet…”
Fraud Syndrome. When what’s inside your head hurts way more than anything you’d ever catch from anyone else.
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