Categories: Uncategorized

Sarah Morgan


I can’t listen to music coming from my computer while I’m typing, but I can if it’s coming from somewhere else in the room. It’s a spatial thing. The music can’t come from the same place where I’m concentrating. It’s got to be behind me or off to the side.

Also, I can’t think of the melody of one song when another one is playing. I can’t even sing “Happy Birthday” if there’s a song on the radio. My brain just doesn’t do it.

Neither of those little factoids are particularly important for you to know. But the first one annoys me, because it means I can’t listen to Sirius on my computer at work. (Or, well, I could, but I wouldn’t get anything done, and then I’d get fired, and then I couldn’t afford Sirius. So yeah, I can’t.)

And now why do you care? Well, you don’t. But because you probably don’t have my neuroses, I have good news. Next week, Sirius is free Wednesday and Thursday. So you (unlike me) can listen!

I am a huge fan of Sirius. I’ve had it for over four years in my car and it’s absolutely wonderful. There’s I-don’t-know-how many channels to choose from, and everyone raves about all the commercial-free music, but personally I recommend Radio One (channel 11) in the morning and OutQ (channel 106) in the evening. (I couldn’t care less about Howard.)

So what are you waiting for? Go register and get ready to listen. Go!