Categories: creativity

Sarah Morgan


You’ve heard of, right? The place where teachers can get funding to help their projects? As they put it:

1. You give to a classroom project.
2. We deliver the materials to the class.
3. Kids learn and show it in photos and thank-you notes.

I can’t think of a charity where you can have a more direct, more appreciated, more specific impact. You can choose a project in your town, one that’s focused on a topic you love, one that helps the neediest kids in America, anything you want. When you page through the requests, you see the very best of American education. These teachers really care about helping their kids, and helping them do that is a truly awesome feeling.

And now here’s the part that’s even awesomer: DonorsChoose has sent me five $25 gift cards to give away!

Think about your favorite teacher. Think about what a difference they made shaping your whole life.

Want a $25 gift card? Tell me in the comments who your favorite teacher was and why.

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  1. Mami2jcn 27 April 2011 at 8:06 am

    My son’s kindergarten teacher is awesome. She’s very diligent about communicating with parents, creative with the kids’ classroom projects, and enthusiastic every day. She’s 6 months pregnant and I admire her energy!

  2. Amy 27 April 2011 at 12:47 pm

    Ms. Ledford was my teacher in high school. She was not married and had no kids so she put all her time into her teaching. She truly cared about us and even brought us on a field trip to her house where she had it decorated for Halloween more than anyone else I’d ever seen!

  3. Kerrin 29 April 2011 at 3:40 pm

    My kids’ current teacher, Miss Megan, because every day they say something, and we think, how do they know that? And because we know how loved they are, which is the most imporant thing for working parents.

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