Categories: creativity

Sarah Morgan


T-shirt seen this week in line at the post office: “Waterboarding saves lives“.

Bumper sticker seen last week on a pickup on the highway: “It’s not how you pick your nose, it’s where you put the booger.”

Why do people buy things with sayings on them?

It’s not the sayings themselves that I’m curious about, or whether you (or I) agree or disagree with them. What fascinates me is that the person buying the item didn’t just agree or disagree with the words – they felt so strongly about it that they wanted to wear it. To be “the guy with ___”. The person with that item wants that  sentiment to be the first way that strangers know them.

That’s a pretty strong way to feel about something, isn’t it?

What things with sayings do you have? What do you want them to say about you?