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Sarah Morgan


(Trying out video posts in WordPress.)

That title works for my life this week. San Francisco to Atlantic City and everything in between. But now, I’m loving being home, laying on my bed and watching the fireworks for what was apparently the Ole Town Festival this weekend. (Thanks, Google.) (Also, how cute is that?)

Even if I’m simultaneously scheming with Erin and Colleen and Melissa about my next adventures. (I want to be a homebody – I’m just not very good at it.)

But it does feel like I’ve been everywhere this week, in person and online both. The amazing Melanie has me blogging weekly at SavvyAuntie – which, if you’ve got tiny people in your life, you should absolutely go check out, because it’s fabulous – about what it’s like being an auntie-to-be.

And, on the professional front, I’m delighted to point you to my first official guest blog at BuzzNetworker, talking about how the Web 2.0 revolution is a whole lot like the internet ruckus of the 90s. Click and read and comment, will you please?

Fireworks are over now, though, which means it’s my bedtime. 4:15 comes early on Monday mornings. Why did I sign up for boot camp again? I really need to look up the definition of “homebody”….