Categories: creativity

Sarah Morgan


Sometimes I feel bad for quoting from Patti so much. But if it’s the best there is – and it is – y’all deserve the best, right? So, then. Recently she wrote about a bit of poetry written by her daughter. I’ll let you read it

…and now you’ll see why it’s been in my head.

My heart needs hopes and dreams.

I don’t think there’s anything much truer than that.

As a general temperament, I tend to be happy, but also with life in particular, because, well, I’m lucky – blessed, fortunate – whatever word you like.

But that’s not enough. At least, that’s not the end of the story. I don’t mean that it’s not important to be happy, to pay attention to all the beautiful moments in the day. If you don’t do that, you’re missing the point of life, I think. But if that was all , we really might as well be house cats. You can’t just sit in a patch of sun all day. There has to be a goal line – and not just one but lots of them.

People say life is a journey, but it’s more than that. It’s a journey to a destination, and really it’s more like an ongoing round-the-world trip, with one destination after another. Or at least that’s what I want. I don’t ever want to stop figuring out what my hops and drems are, figuring out how to win them, finding more.

Thank you, small Tess, for making me think about such important things today.