Categories: organization

Sarah Morgan


I’ve made a bunch of changes around here this year. You’ve seen them, but I wanted to do one end-of-year refresher so you know what’s up.

Categorization. I talk about a whole bunch of stuff, but in a massive categorization project, it boiled down – conveniently – to a topic for each day of the week. So:

  • Mondays are conversation. Social media, mostly, but also technology, communications in general, and just plain talking about talking.
  • Tuesdays are organization-related chat. Sorting and neatening and putting things in their place: that OCD goodness that makes my heart go pitterpat.
  • Wednesdays are creativity posts. Art, drawing, photography, poetry, books.
  • Thursdays are serendipity – a catch-all for anything that doesn’t fit elsewhere.
  • Fridays are Mistaken Identity roundups. All that mail I get meant for an Other Me? This is when you see it.
  • Saturdays are health posts. Every Saturday I spend hours sweating, so it made sense to talk about exercise and eating healthy here.
  • Sundays are faith-based posts. I don’t want to shove my beliefs down anybody’s throat but it’s important to me.

Ads. I’ve become part of the BlogHer network, which lets me be more specific about the  ads I get. I hope you see ads that are more useful for you. There are also links to posts in the BlogHer network, which I hope you’ll find interesting. And at the risk of being obvious, if you click on anything, that helps me out.

Reviews and Giveaways. I joined another network (Cision, for my PR buddies) which provides me invitations to review stuff, interview people, etc. I do if I’m interested and I don’t if I’m not. I tell you the truth about what I think, I tell you if I’ve gotten something for free, and I don’t take money. I ask for giveaways when I think it’s something you’d like.

Design. A brand new look this year! I hope you like it as much as I do. joeldesigner was stellar and I recommend him highly. (I get no discount for saying that. He’s just that good.)

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