Categories: conversation

Sarah Morgan




  • It doesn’t really matter what you’re doing, it’s always fun to customize your little person, isn’t it?
  • I use adjectives like a 12-year-old girl. “Fabulous,” “amazing,” “absolutely” in my tweets – and even in typing this very paragraph, I had to backspace over “totally” and “way”. I need to allow my words to stand on their own merits.
  • Those are indeed people I like. I can recognize 8 of those 10 avatars without having to look them up, which is saying something.
  • I do indeed love @njnews.


  • Alas, I am nowhere near that willowy.
  • I am so not a gamer. I could never even beat the original Super Mario Brothers. That poor princess. Words with Friends is as close as I get these days, and I’m not even very good at that. (Which is why many people play me. I’m looking at you, @cfaile.)

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