Categories: Uncategorized

Sarah Morgan


Last week I was thinking about that Cowboy Mouth song with that title, and how I’m pretty certain they’re never going to play that one again. But it didn’t click in my head to wonder how the band are – because they’re all from New Orleans, you understand.

Well, today I found out. They’ve lost everything. The band, the crew, their family, their friends, are homeless. They’re touring indefinitely so they can live out of their Southern Comfort bus and raise money.

Now, it’s a very cool bus, but it is no home. And they’re not asking for money for themselves. And they play good music and they put on a great show. And like everyone else in NOLA, they don’t deserve this. So help these good people – and yourself at the same time! Buy their stuff. Order a CD, a t-shirt, even an MP3. (I am not normally one to buy a lot of band t-shirts or logo things, but I ordered a Katsu shirt – which is very cool under any circumstances.)

Obviously, this isn’t the same league as a Red Cross donation, but you’ll love them, and they really do need the support.