Categories: health

Sarah Morgan


I’m not good at remembering anniversaries. For proof, please ask anyone I’ve ever dated. But a few do stick with me. For instance, the Friday after I turned 13 (I’d had my birthday on Sunday) I got my first puppy. I’ve always remembered that.

Here’s a new one. The Friday after I turned 35 (I’d had my birthday on Sunday) I learned I had cancer.

Isn’t there that saying about the “ancient Chinese curse: ‘may you live in interesting times'”? Well, it’s interesting times at the moment.

What’s going on?

It appears that I have thyroid cancer, which is extremely treatable and has an astronomical cure rate. However, things I don’t know include the involvement of my lymph nodes, the treatment plan, and, to be honest, whether I am going to want to have a big ugly-cry at some point in a given day. But over the next week or so I’ll be meeting with excellent doctors to learn more, and I hope that will help all of the above.

How did I find out?

I felt a bump on my neck in the beginning of February. After antibiotics and a CT scan and an ultrasound and biopsies, I’m here.

Let this be your PSA: Get anything odd checked out. Be informed and don’t ignore anything. Do not take anybody’s word over your instinct. (Be a pain in the neck. Ha ha.)

What do I need? 

This seems to be a popular question and for that I am more appreciative than I can ever properly say.

I am stubborn and independent and impatient and a nutty control freak Type A perfectionist. But I’m smart enough to know that won’t always work in these interesting times.

If you’re curious, here’s what I need right now. I know I’ll need more in the future, and I will ask then. Promise.

  1. If this situation upsets you, I understand, but I need you to go talk to someone else about that. I’m optimistic by nature, and what I know so far gives me every reason to be even more optimistic. I feel perfectly fine and intend to stay that way.
  2. If you are upset because I didn’t tell you in person, I understand, but I need you not to take it personally.
  3. If you have questions, I understand, but I need you to go do what I did for the answers.
  4. If any this strikes you as rude, I understand, but as I’ve been told, I need to not care about that right now.
  5. If you happen to be a person that sends up prayers or good vibes or whatever you like to call them, I’d love some.


And by the way, no, this isn’t going to become a cancer blog. It hasn’t been a relationship blog, it hasn’t been a work blog, it hasn’t been a money blog, and it’s not going to be a cancer blog. It’s just going to be mine. Like always.





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  1. Lori Russo 23 March 2013 at 3:53 pm

    The moment I read the last word in this post, my one and a half year old looked at me and said, “Pray?” So we said a prayer for you. Take care and best of luck as you conquer this.

  2. Anne 23 March 2013 at 3:55 pm

    Hi Sarah,
    I’ll be sending up my prayers and good vibes…

    (from the hiking group and zip line….)

  3. Ellie 23 March 2013 at 4:16 pm

    You know you have all my love and support. And many prayers.

    I love your boundaries. :)

    Sending massive virtual hugs over the miles…



  4. Amanda 23 March 2013 at 4:35 pm

    Sending light and nodding about your needs. Heard and honored.

  5. Number 9 23 March 2013 at 5:31 pm

    This is going to sound really weird but ill say it anyway. I LOVE THIS POST! I love how you approach the whole situation and of course you’ll kick it. This post is inspirational and graceful. If you’re at all like me you’ll probably eventually, like in a week, be laying in bed alone and finally let yourself have that “good cry.” Of course I will pray for you, too. Go you!

  6. Amy 23 March 2013 at 6:32 pm

    You know I’m praying. At the top of my list every morning. xo

  7. Sarah Morgan 23 March 2013 at 7:56 pm

    Thank you, thank you! (And a special thank you to Blaine for the prayer. :) )

  8. Jen 23 March 2013 at 8:38 pm

    Sarah, I’ll be one sending up good thoughts/vibes/prayers on your behalf, during this “interesting” time that is sure to also be overwhelming and crazy and uncertain and a host of other adjectives that only time will tell. Also keeping your close family and friends in my thoughts and prayers as they travel this journey with you.

  9. Melissa 24 March 2013 at 10:05 am

    We don’t know each other, but I hope you can feel my hugs. I’m keeping you in my heart.

  10. Elaine 26 March 2013 at 5:22 pm

    Love you, girl.


  11. Elizabeth finley 5 April 2013 at 3:05 pm

    Sarah you are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep thinking positive. Right now the hardest part is the waiting! Did you get a date for the surgery?

  12. Aaron 12 April 2013 at 10:38 am


    You can beat this. Dont let it win, and keep on fighting.

    Ive seen way too much of things like this lately. Cancer sucks.

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