Categories: health, Personal

Sarah Morgan


I could basically copy the fall update into this winter one. I still feel wonderful, and most all of my numbers are great. For somebody without a thyroid, I’m stellar. I work hard on that in a lot of ways and it’s very good to know that effort is working.

The fly in the ointment is still my thyroglobulin. In my case, that’s the tumor marker. It should be zero. It was something like 60 before I had surgery. Then something like 30 before I had radioactive iodine. And since then it’s been 1.5, 1.5, 1.8, 1.95, and now 2.35. And obviously those numbers are:

  1. really low
  2. but not zero
  3. and increasing

So it’s time for more and different tests to understand as much as possible. (If you’re curious, the next round will be a Thyrogen-stimulated whole-body scan.) Endocrinologist Mona says it might just mean more watching and waiting. It might, eventually, be another round of radioactive iodine. It could eventually, possibly, be another surgery.

I tried to finish this post, but I’m just repeating things I’ve said before. If you go back and read the last few updates they kind of tell you where I’m at. Basically: I’m not as okay with this news yet as I really ought to be on paper, but I know worrying does nothing and I’m working on it. That’s about it.


Background on these interesting times:

First post – Diagnosis
Update 1 – The plan / fear
Update 2 – Giving blood
Update 3 – Post-surgery
Update 4 – The other half of the time
Update 5 – Infection
Update 6 – Grossly unremarkable
Update 7 – All about RAI
Update 8 – Withdrawing
Update 9 – Isolation
Update 10 – A neck, in 5 pictures
Update 11 – Don’t look up
Update 12 – Business as usual
Update 14 – Yes, I skipped 13