Categories: health, Personal

Sarah Morgan


This very special update includes excellent throwback music. You’re welcome.

I’m prepping for another round of radioactive iodine treatment (RAI). Remember how I said that tumor marker never disappeared, and was getting a little higher? This is to get that to zero.

These three posts (6, 78) explain the process – but here are the milestones:

  • I began withdrawal April 22, taking my daily medicine every other day. Today was my last dose. Going without it makes me hypothyroid and preps me to be receptive to the RAI. Additionally, I go on a low-iodine diet (basically: fresh fuit and veg, not much else) from May 26-June 6.
  • RAI (swallowing the capsule of radioactive iodine) is scheduled for June 3, and I’ll be in isolation June 3-10 until the extra radiation leaves my system and I’m not a risk to people or animals.
  • June 6 is the thrilling day – seriously – that I restart my medication and normal diet, and I should be back to myself within six weeks.

For now, I chill out. Kind of literally. Synthroid withdrawal is slowing me a bit, but it’s totally manageable.

To minimize the effects of a slowing metabolism, I’m trying to get as much water, sleep and protein as I can, watch my diet, and keep my usual exercise schedule.

And I’m pretty much grounded till mid-June. When an increasing majority of the day is spent asleep, you have fewer hours to work with. As a freelancer, I don’t have disability leave, so I need the hours I’ve got to work. And, as the process continues and I get more hypothyroid, my reflexes will slow, so for a few weeks I won’t be driving.

Especially when I’m tired, it’s easy to get down, but the big picture is what’s important, and I’m so lucky. I’ve got an awesome doctor who took my case to her expert colleague. She keeps my opinions and preferences in mind. I’m getting the chance to do this as soon and as thoroughly as possible. And this is the treatment that I need – not one of the many far harder ones that lots of people have. I am blessed and lucky for all those reasons and lots more.

One more in the spirit of excellent throwback music, even though the one thing that is certain is that I’m not on my own, and I am luckiest of all for that. 

Background on these interesting times:
First post – Diagnosis
Update 1 – The plan / fear
Update 2 – Giving blood
Update 3 – Post-surgery
Update 4 – The other half of the time
Update 5 – Infection
Update 6 – Grossly unremarkable
Update 7 – All about RAI
Update 8 – Withdrawing
Update 9 – Isolation
Update 10 – A neck, in 5 pictures
Update 11 – Don’t look up
Update 12 – Business as usual
Update 14 – Yes, I skipped 13
Update 15 – Copy paste
Update 16 – What Allison said
Update 17 – Good results don’t get you off the hook