Categories: health

Sarah Morgan


Note: written with the help of Percocet. Don’t expect genius. :)

What happened…
Surgery was Tuesday April 30 at Penn in Philadelphia. I checked in at 8:45 am and was planned to be seen around 10:15, but the woman in before me had a really extensive, detailed operation. So I didn’t go into the OR until around 3:30 pm. And here is where I thank Diana and my dad for being there to keep me sane. I think the operation started around 4:30 and went till nearly midnight. I got up into a room around 1:30 and left at around 4:30 pm yesterday – Wednesday – afternoon.

How do I feel…
Pretty banged up. There’s some numbness, soreness, swelling and stiffness, and when the Percocet wears off there’s sometimes a decent amount of pain. My throat is swollen as a result of the intubation on the inside and the surgery on the outside. I can talk face to face, but it comes and goes, and I’m not really loud or clear enough for the phone. There was a drain under my right ear and having that out made a huge difference. I’m sleeping as much as I can.

Now what… 
From what I know, it went well. I don’t seem to have any of the nerve damage to my shoulder or face or vocal cords I could have had, thank goodness. My parathyroid glands seem to have kept on trucking. I go back for a post-op May 9 to get the pathology results and learn what happens next. Till then I rest up. And here is where I thank Erin for staying with me – I need it a lot more than I even thought I would, and I am so grateful for her being here and for so much love and support and kind thoughts from everybody.

First post – diagnosis
Update 1 – the plan / fear
Update 2 – giving blood

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  1. Amy 2 May 2013 at 4:52 pm

    So glad it went well, Sarah. Get well soon.

  2. Jamielee 2 May 2013 at 5:32 pm

    I am so glad your surgery went well. I can’t believe you are going through all of this! I am a true believer that the toughest times make us stronger individuals- let me know if you need anything! I am a great at making smoothies :)

  3. Judy 2 May 2013 at 5:44 pm

    Suggestion – don’t let it hurt. Take the percocet close enough so you don’t have the pain. That was told to me by nurses and doctors. Helps healing when you are not stressed out by the pain. <3

  4. Jen 2 May 2013 at 5:47 pm

    So glad things went well! Thinking good thoughts for you!

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