Categories: health

Sarah Morgan


As I mentioned in the last Interesting Times post ( #7 – see below for a list), this phase of treatment can be symptomatic, or not. So far, I’m not uncomfortable at all, but I just feel a little zonked out. Nothing too weird – I sleep longer than usual, and I feel like laying down during the day, and I’m happy to be still and quiet a lot. If I were trying to do a  normal routine I think it’d be challenging, though – I’m so lucky to be able to be on leave.

I’m three weeks into the withdrawal process, two weeks out of work, one week into complete withdrawal, and am on a low-iodine diet. There are a lot of stipulations, but the biggies are no iodized salt (which means most processed food), no dairy, nothing from the sea. Most produce, poultry, meat, and beans are fine – so it’s not bad, although I’m already planning how quickly after all this I can get myself some mussels and frites!

Tomorrow I have more blood work to see how it’s going. The last test showed that my levels were going up, but not much.

So please cross your fingers! The higher my levels get, the better RAI will work. I’m doing everything I can, but would love some good vibes pushing it even higher.

* * * * * *

Background on these interesting times:

First post – diagnosis
Update 1 – the plan / fear
Update 2 – giving blood
Update 3 – post-surgery
Update 4 – the other half of the time
Update 5 – summer is icumen in
Update 6 – grossly unremarkable
Update 7 – all about RAI