Things that get me cranky, in increasing order of crankiness:
- Firefox crashing. Wherefore, Mozilla? Must you drive me back into the arms of Internet Explorer? Must you prove Eliot right? Don’t make me do it.
- Firefox crashing just as I’m done with a post.
- Firefox crashing just as I’m done with a post about how I’m annoyed with YouTube and Blogger for not working together.
- YouTube and Blogger for not working together. Eric Schmidt, why did you pay six jillion dollars for to buy both of these sites and put happy little “post video” links on YouTube if said links will never ever ever work?
- Thinking I figured out why it wasn’t working and feeling like an ass.
- It still not working.
Fortunately, we have this to make up for all the world’s ills: this, which was the point in the first place:
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