Categories: Uncategorized

Sarah Morgan


I came across this post today on the Heath Ledger video and it sort of put me in my place.

First of all, I’m going to hear enough celebrity gossip; I don’t really need to go looking for it even if I do want it. It’s definitely not necessary, having the coworkers I do, let alone everywhere else you hear it.

But more importantly, if I want it, what do I really want it for? I get self-conscious and awkward enough that I can see how awful it must be to have floodlights on your life 24 hours a day.

I do believe that people sign themselves up for that when they decide to be professional entertainers (and I think people who do that are, by definition, lacking some very basic sense of self) – but still.

It doesn’t help me any to know what horrific things they’re doing, does it? Apart from some schadenfreude. And that’s not so great.