Categories: serendipity

Sarah Morgan


Noting the rites of passage of others:

Angela and Robin are getting married Saturday. If you know them (or if you don’t, come to that) think wonderful thoughts for them then and their happily-ever-after.

(And now I have “Ever After” from “Into the Woods” stuck in my head.)

And in line with high school drama club memories: Murph is married, Beth is engaged and Meredith is on kid number two. If you know them, take a moment with me and wonder when they got to be grown-ups.

Me? This week I’m off to see what there is to see in California. The plane is flying the wrong way for my taste but I’ve just never been very far this way before. And it will be new, it will be different, it will be with my favorite person, it will involve airplanes and a convertible, it will have some nice aunts and friends sprinkled in and it will be

My unencumbered no-legal-dependents self is going to finish stuffing things in my Eagle Creek backpack so I can go wander aimlessly around the other side of the continent, holding hands and listening to scores of specially-for-this-trip assembled songs. Heh. Grown-ups.