Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


Let’s see, what’s going on in the world of Other Me lately – all of them? Well, Other Me’s friend Vicky’s email was hacked. One of the Washington Other Mes is into hot yoga. UK Other Me has been buying books at Blackwells.

And it looks like there’s an Other Me in Pittsburgh, and she’s got water problems:
My name is Frank. I will be handling all maintenance issues going forward. I am in the process of scheduling someone to get out there and take a look at the leak and other things. I will contact you once things are completed and resolved.

I’ve had quite the conversation with Hannah – or, as she styles herself, THE COOLEST PERSON HANNAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! – convincing her that I am not her friend from computer class and comaghie. I don’t even know what comaghie is. It might be the town they’re from. Hannah’s not big on capitalization.

An Other Me with great travel choices was asked to review the Eco Venao hotel she stayed at in Panama.

Mariana Barros would like to add Other Me on Plaxo.

For Librarian Other Me, from Librarian Heather: I have went through the list of athletes in aeries for the 2010-2011 school year and have listed their name and library obligation next to it. (There may be  some athletes missing from the list)  Please look at the list and remind those athletes listed  to clear their library obligation before the start of their athletic season.  Let them know if they need to work off their obligation, roundup would be a great time to do so.  We will need help Thursday and Friday August 5th and 6th from 7:30-4:00.

Kathy shared this gorgeous Arles rental with Other Me, as well as this one. But I want to go to Camargue too! Take me!

Finally, Clare and Other Me’s sister have broken up. You may remember that Other Me’s sister was the one with a lot of problems with a difficult employer. It just sounds like Other Me’s sister has an awful lot to sort out. Not least of which would be to decide whether she likes ladies or gentlemen. Poor Clare sent a very long email, and much as I like sharing the silly ones, I feel badly for her so I’m being polite.