Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan

More of the same….

From: Wendy

Re: long
hi sarah,
you have a long appt on the 19th at 12pm.

Dude, you’re her mom. We’ve been through this. Get your own daughter’s email right!

From: Andrea
Re: CIA Local Summit Evaluation
Thank you so much for attending the 2008 CIA Local Summit. Please take a few minutes to complete the evaluation at the site listed below. We value your feedback and cannot wait to see you at next year’s CIA Local Summit. Thank you so much.
Relay for Life Specialist
American Cancer Society
What does the CIA have to do with the American Cancer Society? Suspicious….

From: Sarah
Re: Pictures on Myspace
hey everyone!
I have upload some pictures from the past few events…so please upload any pictures you like.

We don’t need any MORE Sarahs in here confusing things.