Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


In which we learn that Other Mes are busy…

  • Playing video games
  • Donating to breast-cancer research
  • Helping hysterically funny friends get married in Southeast Georgia
  • Doing AIDS volunteer work in Australia
  • Meeting a private pilot named Steve
  • Signing their kid up for soccer in Northeast Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington

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From: Jane
Subject: Program photograph

I think I forgot to forward this to you. Will you send on to Dana? I will look at what you sent, Sarah, and see if I see anything to change. Will also send Ellen’s addition….


From: Celeste
Subject: Program photograph

Hi Jane,
Here you go. I hope you’re having a lovely summer!

[followed by a lovely photo of a dark-haired woman. Celeste?]

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From: Steve
Subject: Missed

I’m really sorry I couldn’t meet you out Saturday night. I had to go back to my hometown for my mother’s birthday. It would have been nice to hang out before you left. I just wanted to wish you lots of luck. I’m sure you will do great out on the west coast! I was just out there 3 weeks ago and I’m very jealous that you will be living in that beautiful side of the country. Congrats!


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From: Erin
Subject: FW: Christina’s Getting Married!

Hi Everyone! Thanks so much for the great weekends that we’ve had… Attached are the photos. I’m really sorry that the red eye reduction wasn’t working better: for some reason the computer wanted us to have red eyes! See everyone soon!


[followed by a link to an absolutely hysterical shower-and-bachelorette-weekend photo album that involved a blow-up man, a squad car, a pink boa tiara, an enormous stuffed bear, a Waffle House, a stolen PG-13 movie theatre sign, a limo, a dive bar, candy necklaces, pasties, bikinis, and a wear-your-worst-dress, 27 Dresses-themed dress code, which is frankly the best idea I’ve ever seen for a bachelorette party]

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From: Jillian
Subject: My 3-Day Update

It’s hard to believe, but this year’s 3-Day event is only 6 weeks away! I feel so blessed to be able to participate in this event for the second year in a row. Many of you have asked how you can show your support during the weekend of the walk. The answer is that there are a couple different ways.

First, there is a “post office” at the three day camp where all walkers can go and check for mail. Cards and letters of encouragement can be sent to the following address: [redacted]

All mail needs to be received by September 1st in order to be available for me to pick up.

Second, anyone is welcome to cheer walkers along on the route. This year’s route will take us through the following communities: Farmington Hills, Northville, Plymouth, Livonia, Westland, Dearborn, and probably a few others that I am forgetting. Cheering stations will be set up along, and will be announced in a few weeks. I will be sure to pass the times and locations along to you as soon as I get them, but just a reminder the event is the last weekend in September, the 26th through the 28th.

Once again, I just want to thank each of you for your support and encouragement!


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From: Marion
Subject: Referee Request

Dear Sarah

My name is Marion and I am the Education and Training Coordinator at the Burnet Institute in Melbourne, Australia. In July you were a participant at the AusAID staff training program on HIV, conducted by the Head of the Burnet Centre for International Health, Dr Mike Toole, and a CIH Associate, Dr Susan Paxton. I am emailing you to ask if you would be willing to be a referee for this training? Burnet is in the process of developing tender documents to manage a Health Resource Facility being set up by AusAID. As part of the bid we need to prepare some one page Project Data Sheets that reflect the work we do and each of these needs two independent referees. Your only role, if you agreed to be a referee, would be to describe your participant experience of the HIV training workshop if you were contacted by AusAID staff conducting referee checks. They sometimes do not contact all referees and so this request may not involve any follow-up. If you agree to being included as a referee then I would need your full contact details.

Thank you for considering this request.

Kind regards


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…4 updates from Sweet Tomatoes…

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From: EA
Subject: Your New EA Master Account Is Ready!

Dear customer,

Your new EA Master Account has been created. Welcome to the EA community!

From now on, please log in to your account using your email address [email protected] and your password.

To add more profiles, log in to the EA Account Manager and click Profiles

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From: Keri
Subject: Soccer

Hi Sarah

Just a thought – they have one spot on Kenzie’s GU8 team. They are called the “Bobcats” and the Coach is Brady Nelson. Try and call or email the registrar and you might be in luck!
