Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


From: Lindsey
You’re Invited To…
The 3rd Annual TWIN-A-PALOOZA!!!
In honor of Christie and Kristin’s 25th Birthday –
We would like to invite you to a happy hour CELEBRATION!!
Please Join Them At:
Friday, June 15th at 6:00pm
**Please R.S.V.P. to me if you plan on attending so we can call ahead for an accurate head count – Thanks!!**
Hope to you see you there!!!

From: Wendy
i have book group. see you when i get home.

Observation 1. Lindsey and Sarah have friends with kind of goofy parents, if they named their twin daughters Christie and Kristin. That’s got to have been really confusing.

Observation 2: Sadly, the party’s several states away, so I can’t crash.

Observation 3. Holy crap, this is the girl’s her MOTHER, for goodness’ sake. Can’t she get her email address right? Wouldn’t you save your own daughter in your address book?

I’ve confirmed from the last wrong email that this girl’s email address is mine, but starting with “email”. So instead of “[email protected]” it’s “[email protected]”. I find that dumb. But at least now I have the option to tell her that if I want.

Replies this week included:

“Hope book club was good… but I’m not your kid.”

And the saga continues….