Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


In the most recent episodes,  Other Me’s in West Virginia, Canada, Chicago, Michigan, England, and elsewhere enjoy British science fiction, participate in online collaborations, shop at Mexx, enter to win trips to Europe, want to see Kiera Knightley in The Duchess, become concerned about their retirement funding, purchase organic vegetables, go out for drinks, check out their friends’ face paint, and more.

Apparently, apart from the face paint, we all have a lot more in common than just the same name. And even the girl with the face paint looks exactly like my friend Annemarie. This is starting to get weird.

And if you’re playing along at home, the Other Me whose mom keeps thinking I’m her is the Canadian one. Mama Susan, IT’S NOT ME.

A selection follow below.

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Cabell County Public Library
455 Ninth Street Plaza
Huntington, WV

According to library records, the following item(s) checked out in your name need to be returned to the library. Please contact your local library so that this matter can be settled. If the matter is not settled within ten days, your account may be turned over to a collection agency. In addition, you will be in violation of West Virginia State Code 10-1-11. Please make checks payable to your county public library.

The Western Regional Library System is e-mailing hold pickup and overdue notices to patrons. Please check with your local library to update your e-mail address.

Thursday Next in Lost in a good book : a novel / Jasper Fforde.
due:8/6/2008,23:59      price:$24.95        accrued fine to date:$2.80

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PBwiki Changebot

Recently changed pages on eglibrary

This is the page for assignments from the class MCE 760.

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I invite you to enter the “Experience Europe” Contest with MEXX.

By entering, you get a chance to win a fantastic trip for two (2) to Paris
or one of five (5) MEXX wardrobes valued at $1,000 each.

Also, you will automatically receive a 10% discount coupon
for your next MEXX purchase (see terms of use on discount coupon).

You have until September 30th, 2008 to enter. Good luck!

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Time Out Free Flix

Cora Levin invites you to register for free tickets to The Duchess on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 at 7:30 pm. Register now!

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Hey Sarah,

Hope you’re well….

Hey Andy M and I are going for drinks on Fri 17 Oct – he asked after you too – wanna come?

Lo x

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