Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


A delightful lot of emails, including lots of subscription information for Other Me’s Francophile daughter Makayla to play on Oh My Dollz and – along with signups for GoAnimate, Zales, Tagza, Tampa’s House of Tans, Visa, Twitter and more.

(I know I wonder this pretty frequently, but seriously: how do so many people type their email address wrong so often?)

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An Other Me has purchased handmade riding boots from Budapest, which are done and ready for delivery if she can just provide her shipping address to Toth, the bootmaker.

I bet it’s the London one. She’s got great taste in shoes. 

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The very bossy school where Kansas City Other Me sends her kids wants lunch orders. NOW.

From: Good Shepherd School

Please respond right away so we know that you are receiving emails {please email me right away whether your ordering lunches or not}.  We need to make sure everyone is set up for emails correctly before beginning the new school year.

Lunch orders for the first week of school & all of September are due in the office by next Friday, August 10th.  The orders must be placed a few weeks before school so please do not turn in orders late – you may send lunches with your students in Aug. & Sept. if you miss the Aug. 10th deadline.

The lunch order form is saved [REDACTED].  If you need your login information, please let us know at [REDACTED]. The lunch order form is also attached to this message, or you’re welcome to pick up a copy at the school office this week.


Please also notice that we are offering a few different options for the student’s lunches.

We are excited to make these options available to you.

Looking forward to the new school year & praising the Lord for all He’s doing through Good Shepherd,

GSS Secretary

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Surrey UK Other Me and has a very caring daughter (who can apparently send emails from her iPod?):

Re: U alright
From: Molly

Hi mum just checking if your alright
Sent from my iPod

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It seems that a few of the Other Me’s are house-hunting, as one of the UK Other Me’s has signed (me) up for a real estate agent, and MI Other Me is making house-viewing appointments with her agent (and me). 4-5 p.m. Wednesday. 

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In which New Zealand Other Me tries for a new smartphone.

Re: Gumtree Ad

Would love to swap for 9780. If you have box and all cables we can make a swap.

Hello! The following is a reply to your “Blackberry 9700 bold and 9380 to swop for another phone” Ad on Gumtree:
From: New Zealand Other Me
Will u swop for a 9780 as new in box

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From: Custom Built Personal Training
Re: Thank You For Your Interest in Our Club

Welcome to Your On-Line Fitness & Wellness Portal

Hello Sarah!

Welcome to Custom Built Personal Training! Are you ready for a GREAT fitness program? I hope so! AND it all starts here…at Custom Built Personal Training. We are always striving to improve by providing our clients with the best in personal training and now we are pleased to offer you the most comprehensive fitness program available today, Custom Built Personal Training Online!

Custom Built Personal Training Online offers you a wealth of information necessary to keep you focused on achieving your desired fitness goals such as:
– Training Session Scheduling and Calendar
– Session Balances and Payment History
– Weight Goals and Fitness Targets
– Charted Progress and Nutrition Reports for weight, stress, energy, body fat, blood pressure, nutrition data, etc.
– Daily Meal Log, Nutritional Targets Calculator complete with daily caloric intake & weight gain/loss ratios, Recipes and more
– Exercise Activity Log and Library
– Day-to-Day Journal Entry – weight, water consumption, vitamins, and stress/energy/motivation levels
– Articles on exercise, weight loss, strength training, flexibility, mind/body, etc.
– Discussion Forums with CBPT members and trainers
– Individualized Profile (i.e., emergency contact, physician information)

We believe this program coupled with your personal training is key to achieving your fitness goals. Now here is what you need to do to get ready for your CBPT Experience, and achieve the fitness goals you desire…

Please log-in to the Custom Built Personal Training Online site NOW: Your login details are below: [REDACTED]

Best Regards,

Custom Built Personal Training

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