Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan

There’s lots going on this time of year for everyone – me, and all of the Other Me’s too. 
  • News from the Home Base Program to Boston Other Me.
  • Info from Next to Sarah-Jayne Other Me in the UK about her secure shopping account.
  • Confirmation from the Newport Arms Hotel to an Australian Other Me or one visiting there.
  • Invitations to Ideeli from folks unrecognized.
  • Confirmation that “my” product review has been published by
  • General chatty emails from G by Guess.
  • Twitter sign-up confirmations for @vintagelovely1, and Twitter reminders that @morgan4sarah isn’t using her account much. Both of whom, just as a reminder, think my email address is theirs. Is it much surprise they’re not good at Twitter?
  • Info on “my daughter” emmydooo321’s account on FantageDoesn’t this kid have homework?
  • Info on “my” account at SmallWorlds.
  • CVs from one of the UK Other Me’s – Sarah-Jane, this time, so maybe she spells it both ways – who’s trying to break into the fashion world. (And, incidentally, lives only a few blocks from White Hart Lane, home of the Spurs.) (Yes, I did refrain from giving her edits. But just barely.)
  • Details on the payment of Florida Other Me’s self-storage unit.

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Back-to-school info from Good Shepherd Academy to Texas Other Me: 

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From: Middlesex County Cricket Club
Subject: The future of County Cricket: have your say

Have your say on County Cricket

We want you to be part of the biggest piece of cricket research undertaken in England and Wales. We are working with the England and Wales Cricket Board to understand what you think about the county game. We really want to hear your views [You really, really don’t], especially if you have not attended for a while, as this research will guide the thinking around the future structure, scheduling and promotion of county cricket. ECB are working with an independent research company called Populus and the survey will take you about 15-20 minutes to complete. We anticipate that thousands of people will try to complete the survey, so if you can’t get in straight away, please try again later. We hope you can find the time to help the future of County Cricket.

Thank you for your support[REDACTED] (Please click once only – ‘do not double click’)

© Middlesex CCC 2012
Company Registration Number: IP29864R
Country of Registration: United Kingdom
Registered Office Address: Middlesex CCC, Lord’s Cricket Ground, St John’s Wood, London, NW8 8QN

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Re: Pics of Harry [and his adorable Olympic bear at bedtime]


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Re: Guess where [I have no idea]


Re: I did it [Same person as the above. Did what? Got married? Went to church? What, you cryptic person?]

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From: 2morgans
Subject: Ale to the Chief: White House Beer Recipe | The White House

Check this out!
Looks close to one we used. Also his equiptment is the same brand that you bought us.

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In the most multilingual entry ever, we are informed that Other Me’s grandfather has passed away. 

From: Bepi
Re: Nostre condoglianze.

Chere Sarah,
je desire te ecrire le pensees des cuisines Pederiva, pour souvenir ton grand pere Paolo:

“”Carissimi, Siamo addolorati nell’apprendere della tragica scomparsa del cugino Paolo.
Siamo vicini a Bruna, Bernard, Denise e nipoti Sarah, Sofie, Elodie con il nostro affetto e ne condividiamo il dolore.
Nel ricordo del caro Paolo – marito, padre, nonno – del suo carattere attivo e gioviale, del grande affetto per tutti i suoi familiari ed amici, auspichiamo possiate reagire al dolore e sentire ancora la sua presenza nei tanti bei ricordi che vi ha lasciato.
Fratelli e nipoti Pederiva “”

Anna Maria e Giuseppe, nous avons parler ce matin avec Giuseppina.
Je te prie de traduire a Bruna e Bernard.

Je regrette… avec tout le coeur….
Je vous salue tous avec mon coeur.

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From: Angela
Subject: Steph’s birthday

Hey lady! I realize that this is an impossible request, but I’m going to put it out there anyway. I’m having a surprise party for Steph that’s going to be two nights in 10th Mountain Division huts on Vail Pass. [Holy crap, I want to go!] It will house 24 of us for a two day celebration on the 28 &29th of this month. It’s an amazing time to be in the mountains which is why I’ve chosen to celebrate her birthday a month and a half early :) Hope you two are well!

Much Love,