Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


What you’ve missed: more forwards from Other Me’s mom, sign-up confirmation from InboxDollars, junk mail to a UK Other Me from Europcar.

Also, in case you were curious, Wyoming Other Me has fabulous red hair. 

Onward to French lawyers and British choirs, mesothelioma and P90X. 

As an aside: one of the other women who received the choir emails is “mrsbighair@”, which is the best email address ever. How inappropriate would it be to send her a short note titled “I need a picture of your husband” reading “How big is it?”

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From: Rokhayatou

Voila !
Ça se passe bien de votre coté ?
Tu peux m’envoyer la fiche d’audit clerc C et les codes pour pouvoir faire des copier-coller?
Merci !


[Redacted lawyerese and an attached death certificate. This must be for the recently deceased grandfather. Je regrette.]

* * *

Weirdly, this next one is from two towns over. There’s an Other Me that close? Not cool. 

From: Ashley and Val
Subject: Parent Meeting Troop 819

Hi Sarah,

My name is Ashley and my daughter was formerly in Elizabeth’s troop. This year I’m leading my own troop and Maryclaire sent me your contact info explaining that your daughter had also been in Liz’s troop but left. I completely understand but hope that you would be willing to give another troop a chance! Here is the last troop wide e-mail that was just sent out to parents. There will be an informational meeting next Weds. If you have any questions or comments please don’t hesitate to contact me! I would love to have your daughter in our troop this year. Let me know!

– – –

Parents & Guardians,

Your child has been placed in Daisy Troop [REDACTED]!

Welcome, we are so excited to be bringing the Girl Scout Program to kindergartners and 1st graders at March and Paxinosa elementary schools.

The parent informational meeting will be held [X]. We will be meeting in the foyer of the building directly to the left of the entrance. The address is [X] Click This Link For Directions [X]

Attendance is mandatory unless you’ve made other arrangements with one of the leaders.

At the meeting we will be introducing ourselves, getting to know you all a little better, presenting our curriculum for the year, and giving you important information and forms (Registration, Financial Aid, etc…) Please RSVP as soon as possible so we can get an accurate count of the parents attending or make other arrangements to get your info packets to you.

The girl’s first meeting will be Weds September 26th. We are looking forward to working with all of you to make this year fantastic for our girls!

A Friendly E-mail From Troop [X]

* * *

From: Marianopolis Health Club
Re: Health Club Recap

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 4:38 PM, Marianopolis Health Club wrote:
Hi everyone,

First off, we would like to quickly thank all those who attended our meeting last Thursday, we appreciate your contributions to the Health Club!

On that note, we understand that many of you had to be in several places at once, so, attached is a PowerPoint which summarizes what we discussed (Check it out as well as the links!). In the slides, you will catch a glimpse of what the Health Club is all about as well as what activities and events we will be organizing throughout this semester and the next. Essentially, the Health Club is here to promote healthy living,, whether your goal is to gain muscle, learn how to use exercise equipment, be more active, or simply become a more beautiful person, we will help you reach them!

Here are some IMPORTANT DATES in the upcoming weeks that you should keep in mind:
Tuesday October 2nd, 2012: Bake Sale (8am-6pm)
Sunday October 7th, 2012: Color Me Rad (9am)
*Additional emails regarding these events with full details and information, as well as the start of P90X sessions will be on their way shortly!*


Finally, one thing we did not mention during our meeting is the Heritage Walk:

What: 9km walk/run from Marianopolis College to the Old Port, and is our College’s fundraiser, with all money raised in pledges going straight to students receiving financial aid. To learn more, you can visit the official page on the Marianopolis website:
Date: Saturday September 27th, 2012
Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm

Due to the fact that our club supports healthy living, we encourage you to come out and participate in this walk as a way to get your heart pumping, but most importantly to give a helping hand to students who may need financial aid. We would also like to point out that the Club who raises the most money in pledges will receive a budget bonus, which can ultimately help cover YOUR costs for future Health Club events (ie. the Spartan Race). This is yet another way to show us your loyalty!

If you are interested in participating in the Heritage Walk, be sure to send us an e-mail telling us so. The deadline for registration is this Friday, September 21st, 2012.

For future emails, we will try to keep them short and sweet, so thank you for your patience!

Have a nice weekend & stay healthy,
Megan, Kelly, Andy and Kevin

P.S. If this is not the right club for you, please let us know if you would like to be removed from our contact list. Otherwise, we will happily continue sending emails your way!

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From: m.habs
Subject: M6626 | Children/Boys’/Girls’ Cape, Belt, Cuffs and Masks | Halloween Costumes | Butterick Patterns

I can see these on someone!

* * *

When I say that I’m not very girly? I mean that things like this email make me slightly alarmed. Ten bucks says Sandra was in a sorority. Shudder.

From: Sandra
Subject: Girls Day


I can’t wait to see you all again!
We will meet at the Rio Center at 5:00pm.
Partake in XOXO.
Have dinner at Nando’s (you’re going to love it!).
Move our feet to Will I Am.
Oops,I meant, DC Motors
Check out the local shops.
Have dessert at Lilly Magilly’s.
Please dress according to the evening weather and wear comfortable shoes.

* * *

These women were absolutely darling when I told them they had the wrong person. I love you, Grazebrook and Jubilee singer ladies. 

From: Beverly
Re: do you like singing?

Hello Everyone

And If you really enjoy singing, why stop at a Tuesday choir…..You can also enjoy a warble on Mondays courtesy of Grazebrooks own Adult Choir under the guidance of Ms Swift……,.. no experience, gift or talent required….. we meets 6,30pm-7.30pm in the Music room. You may well have seen our debut at the summer Fair…impressive eh…….

Warm Wishes


Extended Schools & Community Leader
Grazebrook Primary School

From: Caroline
Subject: do you like singing?

Hello Friends,

Would you or anyone you know like to sing with a choir Stokey choir?

you may or may not know that I sing with a choir – Jubilee singers – we sing a very mixed bag of tunes, we each take it in turn to suggest and bring in songs for the group to learn

its informal and fun – no audition necessary

at the moment there’s a £2 weekly sub.

We meet at Politi Arts on Manor road – (just before stamford hill end) every Tuesday 7.30 till 9 pm

Maybe see you there.


* * *

From: Rachel
Subject: Mesothelioma Advice – 116764

Dear Sarah ,

Further to your initial enquiry I write to confirm whether you received the information sent you by email on 10th September 2012.

If you are having any problems opening the attachments or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me on [X].

Kind regards

PA to Steven

A fresh approach to Legal Advice