Sarah Morgan


Other Mes have signed up for, Spotify, the Allergy Portal for her ENT, and a Windham Rewards Visa Barclaycard. They’ve stayed at the UCLA Lake Arrowhead Conference Center. Their kids are busy with WHS cheerleading tryouts, softball and Club Penguin. They’ve been sent Medicare pages from Lauren and siding pictures from Tyneka. They’ve gone shopping at Party City for a Cars-themed kids’ birthday party and had their receipt emailed to me.

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A Dvolver movie from Hannah to Other Me, entitled “Prank Kiss,” leads me to believe I’m missing an inside joke.

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Good morning-thinking of you while I am sitting here in the office trying to get some “planning” done. Actually I a supposed to be teaching a class in the computer lab but Kara has my classroom……..??????Here is how Shawn has spent the morning: 815-845 Talked to his friend Ernie about our Evaluations, 845-930 Talked to the inmate aide about his plans for discharging 930-1000 Left the office to screw off 1000 am- now, been talking to inmate aide about bullshit stuff. Gotta go before I get caught. Will call you this evening LOVE MOM

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From: Shishelyah

How are you?
I miss ya miss ya miss ya.
Pray all is well.
We must do lunch soon.
How is the new job?


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I will be taking your beginning dulcimer workshop starting Sunday. I wanted to let you know that I am a lapsed intermediate dulcimer player who is looking for a fresh start. I hope that this will work out for the both of us. I have Larken Bryant’s book to get me going too.

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Salut Sarah,
Encore un grand merci pour ce super week-end! Quel boulot !
J’espère que vous êtes tous bien rentrés! Nous 10h de route au total mais au top
Voici les quelques photos que j’ai prise (samedi soir et lundi matin).
Je sais pas bien si tu peux les transmettre à tout le monde, car c’est plus du petit comité (pour Morgan et Rossetto).
