Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


Goodness, we’ve got a giant backload here of I’ve gotten instead of it going to one or another of the Other Me’s! Here’s a dump:

  • Shipment confirmation from Afrikan Republic to, funnily enough, an Other Me in Takoma Park, MD. There are already two Other Me’s in Tacoma, WA. What are the odds?
  • An offer for the performers associated with Rich Stowching Music to perform in my nightclub in London.
  • A request from Skyler to do a documentary about how prominent Detroit women are portrayed in the media.
  • A plea from Laura to donate to her running the Brighton Marathon for St. Peter and St. James Hospice.
  • More tutorial discussion from Rachel, Avrill, Darragh, Niall, Dylan and Eva.
  • Plus some PowerPoint bullets from Rowan on the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • Plans to hang out from Hollie, who works at Orange.
  • Plans to hang out from Cora, Edie, C and Michael – who remembered sending me an erroneous invitation years ago, too.
  • Plans for hols on the Isle of Wight from Gillian and Phil. Why yes, I am exceedingly jealous.
  • A Hello Kitty e-card from Jaycie. (Aren’t we past that? Even if this was meant for the teenage debutante Other Me?)
  • A very colorful and blinky emoticon-laden email from Hannah. (It’s got to be the teenager.)
  • Lots of shopping. Everything from OshKosh B’Gosh to Bistro K restaurant to  Zizzi pizzeria to Dr. Pepper to Kohl’s to Dell to Wow Sight and Sound. Apparently there’s an Australian Other Me, which is cool – but isn’t there a certain irony that I got this email so that I could keep advertising spam to my old address?
  • Lots of wedding planning. Hotels and florists. Especially florists. Georgia Other Me is a busy fiancee.  I  appreciate her taste for freesia and hydrangias, but I have to say, not only are they spelled calla lilies and not Calais lilies, but they smell like funeral homes.
  • A BeeLine, some sort of corporate pat-on-the-back, for the Other Me who works in HR.
  • The first-quarter 2010 report for Chartis from Tita Julie. (I can’t figure that one out. Why would somebody’s auntie send them insurance company analyst reports?)

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Deborah has sent no less than ten emails, increasingly frantic, to me. Who is not her little sister. Despite her protestations otherwise. Things seem to be pretty awkward, though, since my first polite “Sorry, you intended this for someone else, I’m not your sister” was met with: “no shit sherlock, we havent been a family since..well i cant remember, if thats the way you wanna leave it..let it be. i still love you and always will. Love your big sis”. Yikes.

And a couple of weeks later, after “please call im worried if your ok, if you dont im calling janet to check on you”, I suggested that she should call, as then she would then get to communicate with her actual sister. But in particular I hope she called her on her birthday, a few weeks after that. Since I got the card.

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California Other Me offered to update their grade school website – but when I corrected Claudia and Lauralyn about their mis-sent email, they thought she was just trying to get out of doing the work.

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One of the Other Me’s in Tacoma has begun visiting an acupuncturist. I hope the new intake forms weren’t too difficult – once she got them – and that she really enjoyed her first appointment – once she got the confirmation.

One of them is also participating in Puget Sound Energy’s (PSE) Weatherization Program. Whatever that is.

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And fabulously, another person afflicted with Mistaken Identities got in touch with me! Jennifer has been dealing with this way back to 1997. The article is great, but I loved her addition: “My favorite was actually – no lie – that a friend came out of the closet to her. Talked about finally going on real dates with men… ‘no more furtive groping in dark parking lots’. In my original version of this piece, I think I made a joke about cutting him off because I wasn’t comfortable with his lifestyle, but USA Weekend was too tame for that. ;-) “ Finally, someone who truly understands the restraint required to NOT mess with people’s lives!

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Oh, and a picture of Bella. Nope, no idea why.
