Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


In which we get confirmation that U.K. Other Me’s tastes are both very good and very expensive, as she shops at the annual Marylebone Christmas Lights extravaganza, snacking at Cafe Luc and talking to custom jewelers.

Seriously, though, when I’m getting emails that someone with my name is pricing jewelry that I like, with my birthstone, is that finally the point where this all gets too weird?

* * *

From: Cox & Power
Re: Aquamarine Ring

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for coming to see us last evening, we hope you had an enjoyable time at Cafe Luc!

Just to give you an idea of price, to make a ring with the lovely aquamarine we showed you would be in the region of £4750. Each piece is made individually so if you have an idea of the kind of stone you would like, or an idea of budget, we can work with your considerations in mind.

You can see more of what we do on our website or just pop in when you are in the area again.

Kind regards

Cox & Power

* * *

From: Actual Me

Dear Rachel,

Although my name is Sarah Morgan and my birthstone is indeed aquamarine, I live in New Jersey and I’m afraid I didn’t ask for an estimate on a ring! I believe you’ve sent this to the wrong Sarah Morgan!

Best wishes,


* * *

From: Cox & Power

So sorry – the other Sarah Morgan must be wondering why we didn’t get back to her! Thanks for being good-humoured about it,

Have a good Christmas.

Kind regards
Cox & Power

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