Categories: mistaken identity

Sarah Morgan


In which Other Me’s in California; West Virginia and England are making weekend plans; starving their Other half; getting library books (or, well, probably not, since I got their notice, not them); checking out real estate listings; using hotel Internet; GOING TO SEE THE MOST AMAZING MAN ALIVE; getting muscular-dystrophy fundraising requests; and, in a rare visual Mistaken Identity – which will unfortunately not upload, WordPress, WHEN is all of your functionality going to play nice with Firefox, WHEN? – getting pictures of girls in offices sent from iPhones.

A selection appears below for your perusal.

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From: Neely
RE: Neely

Hey sarah,  everything sounds wonderful for the weekend. I am trying to get out of my “stay late” at work that Friday which means they will need me until 7pm instead of 3. Amanda, cameron and I are planning on riding together so if I have to stay at work, we will not be able to leave until early saturday am. If this is the case, and hopefully it won’t be, would this screw up hotel situation? I don’t mean to be a pain in the ass, but my schedule just came out. Usually I can get someone to swap days with me, but being a friday might make it a little more difficult. Let me know and so sorry to spring this on you! Also, do you know if Walton is coming? This is weird, but we haven’t heard from her in quite a while. I can’t wait to see you this weekend! thanks for everything!  -neely m c

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From: Steve

Where’s my bloody dinner then?………
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From: Your Public Library
RE: Library Notice

County Public Library Drive-up

The following item which you requested is now available and is held for you at the library. If the item is not picked up within seven days of the above date, it will be returned to the collection and made available to other patrons.

The Western Regional Library System is e-mailing hold pickup and overdue notices to provide faster notifications. Please check with your local library and update your e-mail address today.

1 Joyce’s voices. Kenner, Hugh. call number:823.912
2 Remember me? Kinsella, Sophie. call number:F
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From: Ticketweb
RE: Order Confirmation

Event: EDDIE IZZARD : Stripped
Venue: Brighton Centre, Kings Road, Brighton, United Kingdom BN12GR

Reserved Seats:
– section: STALLS area: F STALLS row: P seat: 11
– section: STALLS area: F STALLS row: P seat: 12


SARAH MORGAN, you have purchased the following:
Ticket face value: 60.00
Service fee: 7.75
Total charges: 67.75

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From: Maria & Bernard

We are proud to tell you that we’re being locked up … that’s right … going behind bars to help Jerry’s Kids and MDA. To be released on good behavior we have to raise bail and we need your help!

All you have to do is click here to make a secure, online donation before 04/14/09. Your donation will help families living in our community and help guarantee me an early release.We can’t wait to add you to my list of contributors.

Together we’ll make a difference,
Maria & Bernard

P.S. I’m counting on you, click here to donate.