Sarah Morgan


Recently, Other Me’s have:

  • decided to get a little freaky with a Melbourne couple
  • bought some fruits and vegetables for the garden
  • gone to the end-of-season softball picnic
  • gotten pictures of the Colgate University reunion from their dad
  • heard how stressed Brittany and Wes were
  • gotten massages at Massage Envy
  • been billed by the gymnastics school
  • enjoyed their new O2 phone
  • received research from Jim
  • collaborated with Leia on a music-theory project
  • gone to Carphone Warehouse (who still calls it a car phone??)
  • worked at Yale on a survey of caregivers’ burdens
  • ordered from Cartridge Save
  • signed up for the new patient portal at their doctor’s office
  • applied for an MBA-type master’s program in Paris
  • gotten beach-themed graduation invitations done for Jermaine’s high-school graduation
  • and a cake
  • made plans for a weekend at a gorgeous AirBNB in California
  • created yet another Gmail address (which I hope her friends will use instead of mine)
  • signed their kid up at a super tight-laced gymnastics school in California
  • set up day camp
  • gotten a UK design internship offer
  • signed up for the Northamptonshire Police’s Speed Awareness Course
  • gone looking to buy a detachable hood for an oilskin jacket
  • joined Bingo Knights

Highlights below.

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From: Andrae
Subject: Test

Hi Sarah, just making sure we have the right address before we start the sexy photo swap lol

Andrae & Jacqui

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From: Charles
Subject: Fwd: Reunion 2015 | Flickr – Photo Sharing!
To: Carey, Sarah, BJ

girls — reunion pictures. check out the first one, some in the middle with all the blue blazers and the lobster roast pics near the end. it was a fun weekend. dad

Reunion 2015 at Colgate University

* * * * * *

From: Brittany
Subject: Stressed!

Hey omg so stressed out this is the best way to talk so I don’t use my phone! So the job might want me sooner I have no money to move and Wes is freaking that he isn’t done with work until Sept 30 and he wants me get this to MOVE back for a fucking month!!!!!!!! Are you kidding with no job! So dumb!



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From: Jelly
Subject: Fwd: Vintage Farmhouse in Calistoga in Calistoga

Are you two available for an overnight in this window of time ?? Check this place out xo kelly

From: Jelly
To: Chris
Subject: Fwd: Vintage Farmhouse in Calistoga in Calistoga

Erin’s deadline was the last week in July
Isabel has a few week days open
We can stay for free
I’ll forward you some trip advisor hikes xo

From: Jelly
To: Erin
Subject: Vintage Farmhouse in Calistoga in Calistoga

Hi Erin
Monday July 27-till Friday the 31st check out date my friends place is available for us to stay for free ..check it out .. We can just stay earlier in the week for a few nights if you want ..I know it’s pushing your time limit It’s in Sonoma county and so cool … Xo
Greg and chris can come over too etc

* * * * * *

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ultimate Performance Gymnastics
Subject: Team UP information


It was nice talking with you. Welcome to Delany!

I’m attaching some information. We will have a big parent meeting on Sunday, July 19th at 6:30pm to discuss next year’s contracts. You can check the Team UP board in the lobby for more information on upcoming events as well.

If Delany would like to join us for our summer events, she is more than welcome to. Our Team UP summer leo is $50 and will be worn at all public events. We may have one that fits her here in the office.

Tuition is due by the 10th of each month. Tuition for Xcel for June & July will be $187 each month. Checks are payable to UPGC. Recurring invoices are sent out before the 1st of the month. Please let us know if you don’t get the invoices, sometimes they don’t come through right away.

You can look through this year’s contract. The last two pages we’ll need filled out and returned to the office to put in Delany’s file. Our Team UP contract runs August 1-July 31, so we are just ending the contract year.

The team roster for this past season is also attached. It may not be fully updated, but it will give you a start in case you get in a pickle with rides. We have a few other girls adding to Xcel from our classes, too.

Please remember that all of these documents are confidential and must not be shared with others or used for anything other than gym purposes. Please do not sell, rent, or use any of the contact information for purposes other than Team UP.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you,


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From: Sophie
Subject: Junior design job

Hello Sarah,

A few of us have seen your work up at the Milton Keynes and we really like your work. So I thought I’d just take the opportunity to say hello and to introduce you briefly to emc design and let you know that we are looking for junior designers to join us via our graduate design scheme.

We’re very much about taking on graduates and training them up to be some of the best editorial designers in the UK, possibly the world ;) – and we have a very good reputation for keeping our staff, in fact the vast majority of graduates we take on are still with us. Some have been with us for 10 years or more! Editorial design is not for everyone so we look for particular qualities in candidates. And helping our staff build their long-term careers is of great importance to us. We work for some of the top UK and International publishers and are considered to be one of the best in our specialised field.

If you think the scheme does sound of interest and you’d like to join our organisation please complete the online application by Sunday 5th July. All the info, including the information pack can be found here: [REDACTED]

If you have any questions in the mean time pleas don’t hesitate to ask me more.

Best wishes,