Categories: Personal

Sarah Morgan


So much email. So not meant for me.

  • She and Charles send Isabella and Oliver to the seemingly EXTREMELY posh Farleigh School in Hampshire (England). With names like that, it’d have to be. And they’re paying for Bathsheba’s tuition, too. (Seriously, is that really a name people are giving a kid?) Peckham (England) is gentrifying – luxury flats that threaten the art cafe! – and Other Me should be appalled by this, it seems. I can only assume this is the same Other Me.
  • Other Me is ordering all sorts of things online (I think this is mostly the Australian one). Including a lot of Fresh makeup. But I disagree with some of her purchases. Can we please agree as a society that contouring makeup is a NEVER a good idea? And I learned that one Other Me’s nickname is Issy along with learning her beauty-product buying habits – but this one is from Lancastershire, so she’s not the contouring one.
  • Other Me has signed up for vocational nursing school at Hill College in Cleburne, TX. She’s having her building super patch water-stain holes in the wall. She’s signing up for a 5K and using Uber in Nashville. She’s got a brand-new Toyota 4-Runner. She’s booking a trip to Barbados. She’s on a new dating site. I wonder if that’s all the same one, because one Other Me just extended the limit on her Wyndham Rewards Visa. And then, only a few days later, hit it. Dangerous credit habits, Other Me. Maybe it was that Holiday Inn in London.
  • She’s designing shirts with about a fishing trip in Argentina – however, VERY weirdly, the slogan is “With O’Donnell Morgan,” and that’s a surname from the other side of my family.
  • Genesis Fitness Club in Box Hill (Australia) has cool new wearables they’re offering to their members.
  • The Las Vegas Other Me has a kid super into robots, because they have a LOT of overdue robot-related children’s books out from the library right now.
  • Other Me’s are on the move – one is looking for a house with Century 21 Realtors in Breeden, IN – and another is showing her house through Berkshire Hathaway in Pittsburgh – while another is leasing a vacation home in Orinda, CA.
  • Canada Other Me just got a job with Rogers Direct. But she’s going to have difficulty verifying her employment. And I’m not going to do it for her.One of the British Other Me’s continues to volunteer at the Orpheus Centre in Surrey. And another one continues her make-up courses at Milton Keynes College. Closer to home, another Other Me is applying to transfer into Princeton. Good luck, kid.

This one is delectably cryptic:

From: Jelly
Subject: Greg
Hi sarah
Can’t call you from here but Gregg totally up for having Shanna
Maybe call him later tonight xoxox

* * * * * * * * * *

From: C
Subject: grafton house

I responded to Dolly that we’re 99% sure none of you wanted the house before or on Christmas [correct me if I’m wrong]…..that Chuck and I and Canedos were going up the Sun. after Christmas…with Dol/Rob overlapping with us the 30th over New Years and coming home the 6th.

From: Dolly
Subject: grafton house

sylvia and some friends want to use the grafton house from dec. 20 to 23. i gave her the go-ahead unless i hear different from you guys. it’s getting to be a popular christmas holiday retreat!

* * * * * * * * * *

I’m genuinely not sure if this is spam, or an email for an Other Me. Is that a bad sign?

From: Katherine
Subject: M and s working days after the first time in the

Thanks you very much for helping me out with you and make a card for and shopping with my family and I am looking forward back in the Alderblook the best friend and stuff dinner lady who is week after I go to redcoats the best of all ages and ages and I will not be able to get the best friend and and I am looking forward really good at the new Thanks you very much for your help in making cup cakes
Love from katherine Morgan and kevin jonas 2 he from the jonas brothers and